Homeopathy Medicine for Pre-Eclampsia


Preeclampsia typically starts after 20 weeks of pregnancy in women whose blood pressure had been normal. It is a condition in pregnancy marked by high blood pressure, occasionally with fluid retention and proteinuria, and most frequently the liver and kidneys.

Signs and symptoms

Pre-eclampsia is a condition that only happens during pregnancy and has several characteristics.

high blood pressure

protein in the urine.

These indications are typically found during a routine antenatal checkup because they frequently don’t result in any symptoms.

Pre-eclampsia may also have additional symptoms like:

  • swelling known as oedema, typically affecting the face, hands, feet, and ankles;
  • persistent headaches;
  • blurred vision;
  • shortness of breath;
  • nausea and vomiting; and
  • upper abdominal pain.

Consult a doctor right away if you experience a severe or lingering headache, persistent stomach pain, or an unexpected onset of blurred vision while pregnant.


Pre-eclampsia is thought to be caused by a problem with the placenta, which connects mother and fetus and is responsible for supplying oxygen and nutrients to the developing baby.

Pre-eclampsia is a condition in which the placenta’s blood vessels do not develop properly, which can cause issues with the placenta’s function and, potentially, the mother’s blood pressure.

Pre-eclampsia may develop for a variety of reasons, including genetic or immune-related factors.

Risk factors

Pre-eclampsia is a condition that can be brought on by a number of factors.

Among the primary risk elements are:

  • a prior pregnancy that resulted in pre-eclampsia; or
  • a history of lupus, diabetes, kidney disease, high blood pressure, or any of the other conditions listed.

In addition, if there are two or more risk factors, the following factors can make you more vulnerable:

  • if you’re expecting your first child or the first child you’ve had with your partner right now;
  • having pre-eclampsia in one’s family;
  • having reached the age of 40 or more;
  • being obese;
  • having multiple pregnancies, such as twin pregnancies;
  • separating pregnancies by more than ten years.


-Low birthweight babies.

-Bleeding problems

-In some circumstances, the placenta prematurely separating from the uterus prior to childbirth.

-Rupture of the liver


-Stroke (cerebral haemorrhage)

Along with hemolysis, the patient also has headaches, nausea, vomiting, and pain in the upper right abdomen.


-Cardiovascular disease

Death in extremely rare instances


-Pulmonary oedema


Regular blood pressure checks and/or urine tests often lead to the initial diagnosis of pre-eclampsia when abnormalities are found.

Under the supervision of an obstetrician (a doctor who specializes in pregnancy and childbirth), additional evaluation and testing may be advised if pre-eclampsia is suspected.

Testsmay include:

  • urine testsfor protein;
  • blood teststo examine the health of your kidneys, your liver, and your platelets (blood clotting cells); and
  • ultrasound scansassessing the baby’s blood flow through the umbilical artery, amniotic fluid volume, and developmental status.

Long-term effects of pre-eclampsia

Pre-eclampsia has been linked to an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke in women later in life, according to studies.

You can reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease by living a healthy lifestyle that includes not smoking, keeping a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in regular physical activity.


• Adequate bed rest

Try gentle yoga and cut back on your activities.

Drink plenty of water

Low sodium intake

Saturated and trans fats should be avoided.

• Quit smoking and alcohol

• The mother and child are closely watched.

• Low activities during pregnancy

• Consistent baby observation

• Sufficient vitamin D

• Cesarean section

• Tracking infant activity also benefits from keeping track of fetal kick counts.

Treatment with magnesium sulfate has anticonvulsant properties.


Yes, homeopathy can help with pre eclampsia cases; however, the severity of the condition varies from patient to patient and depends on their medical history.

  • Natrium muriaticum
  • Sulphur
  • Thlaspi bursa pastoris
  • Terebinthinae oleum
  • Plumbum metallicum

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