Homeopathy Medicine for Fever From Sudden Change In Weather


An individual gets fever with bodyache after getting heated in the sun and then getting wet in the rain while still perspiring.

Management and Treatment

Bryonia albaWe find that Bryonia alba is indicated for sudden chilliness following a midday nap, with confusion in the head, or while walking in the heat, mostly towards the evening, with thirst and hot, red cheeks. In typhoid fever, it is frequently indicated in the early stages with occipital hiccups. The body is dry, hot, and the febrile state often accompanies some inflammatory processes in various organs and tissues.

Rhus toxicodendronrhus toxicodendron is frequently indicated by creeping chilliness on rising in the morning and afternoon with heat and malaise, paroxysms of stretching and yawning, and a dry, teasing cough. typhoid fever is frequently indicated by external chill with internal heat, paroxysms of stretching and yawning, and it is frequently accompanied by urticaria.

Eupatorium perfoliatumhas distressing bone pains, both general and periodic, restlessness, soreness in the muscles and bones, a strong desire for fluids, but vomiting occurs when they are consumed, and as their temperature rises, they should be checked for any skin eruptions that may be developing.

Gelsimium sempervirensAfter a sudden change in the weather from hot or dry to damp, the patient develops a fever, along with a lot of muscle pain, great prostration, and headache. The patient also feels trembling and wants to be held.

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