Homeopathic Medicine for Cholera




Ver. Alb. is very important remedy of cholera. It has profuse watery, stools with a cold, blue surface and cold sweat on forehead and great prostration.

Its characteristics may be summed up as follows:

Cutting, gripping and twisting pain, especially about navel before stool.

Profuse watery stools (rice water stools) and profuse vomiting.

Great debility.

Cramps in calves.

Cold sweat on forehead.

Cold breath.

Icy coldness of the body.

Repeat every half hour.


It is indicated in the beginning.

Coldness, dryness and blueness are characteristics of this remedy.

The tongue actually cold.

Body becomes icy cold and is dry or covered in cold sweat.

Sudden sinking of strength. Face bluish cold.

It is to be used in mother tincture: 5 – 5 drops in water, and a dose every 15 minutes, until reaction takes place.


Cuprum is indicated by the following symptoms—

Icy coldness of the whole body.

Blueness of the skin.

Severe cramps of muscles of calves, thighs, even in fingers and thumb. The more the cramps, the better cuprum is indicated in cholera.

Violent pain in epigastrium and ineffectual efforts to vomit.

Dryness of the mouth and great thirst.

Gushing of profuse watery stool with copious vomiting (Verat).

Cramps are more prominent in cuprum than any other remedy, but there is no cold sweat as in Veratrum.

Repeat every half hour.


Profuse watery and offensive, yellow or green and very exhausting diarrhea and violent vomiting of watery bilious or slimy green, yellow matters.

Intense thirst, drinks often, but little at a time.

The surface of the body is as cold as ice, but internally the patient feels as if on fire, he wants to warmly wrapped.

Pains violent and burning in the epigastrium.

Ars. has more restlessness but less sweat than Verat. alb.

Repeat every half hour.


In cholera, it is more often indicated towards the later part of the disease (collapse stage).

It is indicated when:

The whole body is icy cold, especially extremities.

But in spite of external coldness, the patient complain, of great heat and burning inside, yet he shows great aversion to be covered and finds relief from cold. (Opp. Ars.)

There is tingling all over the body, especially in hands and feet.

There is profuse diarrhea with persistent vomiting.

The stools are profuse, offensive and watery and come in spurts, are ejected with great violence and are very exhausting.

With this exhausting diarrhea in cholera there is unnatural ravenous appetite for acids and lemonade.

The face of the patient becomes pale, pinched, ashy, sunken, Hippocratic, drawn with blue rings around the eyes.

Here it differs from Ars. The body of both the patients is icy cold.

Ars. patient wants to be warmly wrapped up whereas Secale patient finds relief from cold.

Ars. also lacks the tingling sensation, which is almost always present in Secale.

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This remedy is useful in the last stage (in the collapse stage of cholera), when there is no vomiting or diarrhea, pain or spasm and when the disease has left the body, but the weakness is so great, as a result of drain that the patient lies quiet, too weak to move.

The body is icy cold, especially the nose, cheeks and extremities from feet to knees.

The breath is cool.

Breathing is very weak.

Pulse is rapid, almost thread-like, scarcely perceptible and intermittent.

The lips may be bluish.

Patient may be conscious or unconscious.

Great desire for fanning constantly and from a very close distance. Cold sweat on forehead.

At this stage C. V. is the only remedy which saves the life of patient.


It is useful in cholera which generally comes on during hot days.

Painless cholera.

Stools are profuse and gushing, after mid-night and towards morning.

Stools are watery and too profuse and come out with a gush and splattering, like water from hydrant, are extremely offensive and very liable to change color—now yellow, now green now white, now brown, now clay-colored etc.

Sense of weakness in abdomen and rectum.

Loss of appetite.

Violent cramps of feet, calves and thighs.

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