Homeopathic Medicine for Cough




Aco. is indicated in the first stage of any acute case, but this stage is generally passed without treatment.

The attack comes after an exposure (in few hours) to dry cold air, exposure to draughts of cold air while perspiring.

It should be administered just as soon as the patient realizes that he is taking cold.

If used on the first feeling of chilliness or sneezing it will almost always arrest the disease.

The attack of this remedy comes suddenly and violently like a storm.

Violent dry, hoarse, croupy, hollow cough at night, waking the patient from sleep.

Spasmodic cough, sputa absent or thin with high fever.

Patient grasps at throat every time he coughs.

Stitches in chest while coughing.

Dryness and burning in throat.


Dry cough. Larynx feels sore.

Sensation as if larynx is inflamed, swollen, constricted.

Child cries before cough.

Face red while coughing.

Attacks of cough end with sneezing.

Cough at night, after midnight when lying down, more at night than in day time.

Barking cough, whooping cough and pain in stomach before attack.

Child cries before cough.

Violent stitching pain in the lumbar region when coughing.


The cough of Bry. is generally dry. Dry cough with soreness in chest.

Cough seems to come from the region of stomach.

Cough with stitches in chest.

Cough shakes the whole body.

The patient must hold the chest while coughing, because little movement of the chest aggravates his pain.

Bursting pain in the head with every cough.

Cough with involuntary discharge of urine.

Cough is aggravated after eating or drinking or after a deep inspiration or after entering a warm room, at night in bed, compelling the patient to sit up.

Cough is relieved by warm drinks. Cough may end in vomiting.


Ars. is a capital remedy for cough. Cough is dry. Respiration oppressed.

Worse midnight, lying on back, ongoing to cold air, smoking, better sitting up.

Expectoration scanty, frothy, looking like beaten white of egg.

Cough alternating dry and loose, dry at night.


The cough of Phos. arises from irritation in the wind pipe.

Rough, short, dry cough.

Cough first dry and tight and then with expectoration of transparent, viscid. purulent cough.

Cough with pain in chest and abdomen, obliged to hold abdomen/ chest with hand.

Violent shaking cough.

Cough dry in the evening, but loose in the morning. Expectoration salty.

Cough worse in open air, going from warm to cold room talking, laughing, reading aloud, eating and drinking, lying on left side.

Sputa rusty, blood colored or purulent.

Nervous cough when any one enters the room.


The cough of Kali bi. is violent, rattling, hoarse and metallic.

Tough sticky, glutinous expectoration, which can be drawn in long strings is most important symptom of this remedy.

Sputa bluish, yellow or white and lumpy or sticky which is ropy, which is very difficult to expectorate.

Cough is caused from tickling in the larynx.

Great soreness in the chest when coughing.

Cough with stitching pain in chest when coughing in the morning.

Cough worse from uncovering, from exposure to the air, after eating, deep inspiration and better after getting warm in bed.


Cough dry in the evening and at night and loose in the morning.

Expectorations thick, bland, yellowish-green (in the morning).

Cough worse in warm room and better in open air.

Cough compelling the person to sit up to get relief.

Cough is shaking and spasmodic.

Cough from dryness and scraping in the trachea.

There may be pain in lower part of the chest.

Constant cough at night after lying down, preventing sleep.

Stitches in the chest and sides when coughing.

Involuntary urination while coughing.


Spasmodic, asthmatic, exhausting, rattling, suffocative, paroxysmal cough. Loss of breath with cough.

Rattling in chest with nausea and vomiting of phlegm. Nausea unrelieved by vomiting.

Cough is constant, the chest seems full of phlegm, yet none is expectorated.

There may be fever.

Clean tongue and thirstlessness (like Pulsatilla) are keynote symptoms of Ipecac.

After giving Ipecac. mucus does not adhere so firmly to the walls of the bronchial tubes, but it becomes less and less tenacious and is raised more easily.


The cough of Hep. Sul. is husky and hoarse, never perfectly dry cough.

Cough, excited whenever any part of the body gets cold or uncovered.

Cough from exposure to dry cold weather.

Rattling cough, (worse in the morning), but nothing is expectorated.

Cough and expectoration during the day, no expectoration at night.

Cough troublesome when walking.

Cough worse from eating and drinking anything cold, crying, talking.

The cough of Hep. Sul. is never a dry one, it has a slight loose edge, the expectoration is slight.


Dry, hacking cough.

Tickling and pain in larynx with cough.

Cough with great soreness of the chest.

Cough and sensation as if something were torn loose in chest.

Cough with bursting headache.

Cough in the morning after rising.

Cough dry in the evening and at night, expectoration during the day. Cough worse physical exertion, lying on back, cold, tobacco. Cough better warm drinks.

KALI CARB. 6, 30

  1. C. is useful in violent, long continued and paroxysmal cough.

The expectoration is viscid mucus or pus which is expectorated with difficulty or rather than patient must swallow it.

Cough is usually dry with scanty expectoration.

Dry and hard cough at 3 a.m. or worse 3 a.m.

Expectoration scanty and tenacious but increasing in the morning and after eating.

Cough with cutting or stitching pain in chest while coughing.

Dry cough waking at night.


Dry cough caused by burning, tickling in larynx.

Feeling of weight in the chest.

There is usually no expectoration.

Chronic cough in violent attacks, which brings up small hard tubercles.

Cough worse by lying with the head low, the room getting too warm, cold drinks, smoking tobacco, relieved by eating and drinking, especially warm drinks.

RUMEX 6, 30

Cough from exposure to cold air.

Tickling in throat pit causing dry teasing cough.

Cough from slightest inhalation of cold air.

Cough comes regularly at 11 p.m. 2 to 5 a.m.

Tough, stringy, tenacious mucus.

Cough worse from changing air or room after lying down, touching or pressing the throat pit, lying on left side (Phos.), from slightest inhalation of cold air.

Urine involuntary with cough.

Patient is extremely sensitive to cold air.


Cough dry, spasmodic. Cough in the morning after rising from bed.

Cough worse after eating, cold air.

Cough dry in the evening loose in the morning.

Expectoration greenish, purulent, stringy.

HYOSCYAMUS 6, 30, 200

Dry, spasmodic cough at night.

Cough as soon as the patient lies down, disappears when sitting up.

Cough from itching in throat.

Cough worse on eating, drinking, talking, singing.


Dry Cough, ceasing on lying down.

Generally, cough is usually aggravated on lying down, whereas under this remedy the opposite condition prevails. A symptom like this rarely met with and when we do come across such a symptom, we should never forget Manganum.

Dry cough brought on by loud reading and talking, damp weather.

Larynx rough and constricted.

Cough and hoarseness in the morning and in open air.

Sputa yellowish green.

Deep cough without expectoration.

Mucus difficult to loosen.

CHINA 6, 30

Violent hacking (short, dry and frequent) cough after every meal).

Paroxysms of cough after eating or laughing, worse in the evening and night.

Spasmodic cough from irritation in larynx at night and in the morning.

Cough and granular expectoration during day or evening, none night and morning. Cough worse on talking, lying with head low, draught of air, laughing.

IODIUM 6, 30

Dry morning cough, from tickling in larynx and throat.

Cough worse indoors, when lying in bed, especially on back.

Better during day, in cool, open air.


Dry cough and oppression of chest at night.

Dry cough worse when lying down at night, especially in children.

Cough dry at night, coming from deep in chest, from scratching in throat.

Cough causes headache.

Dry cough at night, coming from chest, waking the patient at night.


Useful in suffocative cough of children, where there is rough wheezing with great dyspnea.

Patient, can only breath with the mouth wide open.

Paroxysmal suffocative cough coming on about mid-night.

Loose choking cough.

Child awakes, suddenly, nearly suffocative, sits up turn blue.


Dry, spasmodic cough in quick successive shocks.

Cough, every time the patient stands still during a walk.

Short, dry and frequent cough in the evening after lying down.

Dry cough in the morning on waking and from tickling near the pit of stomach.

Sleepy after each coughing spell.

Expectoration in the evening, rarely in the morning, difficult in the evening.

Cough worse the more he coughs.

RHUS TOX. 6, 30

Dry, teasing cough, caused by tickling in the bronchi, by uncovering the head or even a hand.

Cough with tearing pain in chest.

Cough with taste of blood, although no blood is seen.

Dry cough at 6 p.m. midnight until morning.,

Dry cough during chill.

Bronchial cough in old people.

Rusty sputum.

Cough shattering the head.

Cough and tearing pains and stitches in the chest.

Cough in wet weather, better warm drinks.


Cough provoked by cold drinks and by current of air.

Cough and expectoration during the day.

Violent cough when lying down and thick yellow lumpy expectoration.

CONIUM 6, 30

Violent dry cough almost only when first lying down during day or night, must sit up and cough, after which he has rest.

Dry cough, almost continuous.

Cough worse evening and night, lying in bed, least exertion.

Cough seems to come from abdomen.

Expectoration only after long coughing.

Cough during pregnancy.

Suffocative cough and flushes of redness in the face. Want of breath.


The cough is deep, hollow and violent shattering cough, generally coming in paroxysms of three cough. It is usually caused by talking, singing and laughing.

The expectoration is usually abundant, it is like the white of an egg, but mostly it is yellowish green with sweetish and salty taste.

Respiration is usually short and difficult due to weakness in the chest.


Cough after influenza.

Chronic cough of old people.

Cough every morning about 3 a.m.

Much oppression in breathing, worse after any effort and on entering a warm room or ascending even a few steps.

Slimy sputum. Expectoration of pure blood after cough.

Dry cough as from dust in the throat.

Cough worse night or only at night or only at day time.

Stoppage of nose at night.


The Caust. cough is dry, hollow with tightly adhering mucus in the chest, relieved by a drink of cold water.

Rattling in the chest when coughing, but patient is unable to expectorate, has to swallow.

Cannot lie down at night because of cough.

Hollow cough, it sounds as if he was coughing into a barrel.

He cannot cough deep enough to get relief.

Severe cough with soreness and rawness in the chest.

Involuntary urination while coughing.

Hollow, dry, hard cough during pregnancy.

Pain in hip, especially left, while coughing.

Cough wakes the patient from sleep but is better during day.

Cough remaining after pertussis, with expectoration, chiefly at night.


Tickling in pit of throat causes scraping dry cough with rattling during respiration.

Anger provokes cough (especially in children).

Paroxysms of coughing about midnight.

Severe dry cough during sleep.

Rattling cough, as if the bronchi were full of mucus.

Cough worse at night, from crying, from cold air and during sleep, immediately after eating.

CINA 30, 200

Frequent dry, short, hacking cough. Cough so violent as to bring tears into the eyes.

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