Homeopathic Medicine for Fevers



ACONITE 30, 200

Very high temperature.

Fever comes on suddenly and violently.

Skin is dry and hot with burning sensation.

Hard, full and rapid pulse.

Constant physical and mental restlessness, tossing about in bed, but mental restlessness is more marked than physical.

The patient thinks that he will die soon and the fever is so severe that it will be fatal to him unless treated immediately.

Burning thirst for large quantities of cold water with bitter taste in mouth, but water tastes sweet.

Aggravation towards evening, at night and in warm room.

Amelioration in open air, by perspiration.

The appearance of the Aconite patient during fever is very characteristic. One cheek red and hot, and the other pale and cold. Sometimes the face looks red while lying down but becomes deathly pale on rising up and he becomes faint or giddy and falls over.

Thirst and restlessness are always present.

Chill if uncovered or touched.

The aetiology of Aconite fever is very important and should be born in mind.

The fever is the result of an exposure to dry cold wind or chilling of the body after overheating, especially when warm and sweaty.

The never-failing characteristic of mental anguish must be present.

Aconite should be given every two hours.


Like Aconite Belladonna’s fever also comes on suddenly and violently.

Fever begins with chill.

Along with chill there is high fever.

Chill and heat alternates.

There is great burning of the whole body, internal and external.

The heat of the patient gives us the sensation of steaming vapor.

Inspite of the heat the patient is more sensitive to the least draught of air. He is always covered up. There is sweat on the covered parts only (Aco.); and on the head, there may be complete lack of sweat.

There is high fever, mouth and throat dry but there is complete thirstlessness during fever. Bursting headache with throbbing of carotids.

Face red, flushed, pupils dilated.

Fever worse at night.

The strange feature running through fever is that the patient has a great craving for lemon juice.

The tongue is quite characteristic of Belladonna. The tongue is strawberry like or sometimes tongue becomes inflamed and looks quite swollen with prominent red papillae.

When there is very high fever a stage comes where the patient becomes delirious. He became wild, strikes, bites those around tears things. He sees ghosts, hideous faces, animals and insects. Wants to run away from them. Barks like a dog.

But this condition is found very rarely. In such conditions Bell. 200 or 1M or 10 M should be given.


Gelsemium is one of the most valuable of our fever remedies.

It may be indicated in the first stage of many forms of fever— catarrhal, remittent or intermittent, bilious, eruptive etc.

Fever starts very slowly and gradually (opp. of Aco., Bell.)

It generally starts with sneezing, with acrid, watery discharge from nose.

There is a great exhaustion and lassitude in the initial stage.

The patient is dizzy and drowsy with dullness and a desire for absolute rest.

Patient wants to be left alone, doesn’t wish to speak or have anyone near him.

There is complete absence of thirst or very little thirst.

The sweat is slight or partial, but it relieves all the symptoms.

Great heaviness of head and limbs.

Headache relieved by profuse urination.

More or less aching in the back and limbs.

Generally, the rise in fever occurs towards evening.

It is not necessary that all these symptoms be present in the patient.

If there is drowsiness, absence of thirst, aching in the body and great weakness. Gel. should be given.


Bryonia fever develops slowly, like the Gelsemium case, over a period of six to twelve hours.

Fever accompanied by dry cough with pain all over the body.

Mouth dry with great thirst for large quantities of water at long intervals.

There is intense headache, with a sensation, as if the head would burst at temples.

During fever patient lies quietly, doesn’t want to move, doesn’t want to speak.

Tongue coated white in the middle.

Bitter taste with no appetite.

There is always troublesome constipation.

Great soreness of the body.


Bone pain is the chief characteristic of this remedy.

Chill generally comes between 7 and 9 a.m.

Insatiable thirst before and during chill and fever.

The patient knows of the approaching fever from the insatiable thirst and the bone pains that come on long before the chill sets in.

Bone pain before and during chill.

During the attack there is severe chill which run from the back to the extremities.

Bitter vomiting at the close of chill. Sweat may be scanty or absent, but if present it relieves all the other symptoms except headache.


Ars. is useful in many types of fevers but only when it is indicated.

Chill before fever.

Chill during fever

Fever without chill.

Thirst before and after chill.

On thirst during chill

Thirst during fever. Drinks often (every 5-10 minutes) but very little at a time. Prefers hot water. This absence of thirst during chill and preference for hot drinks when thirst is at all present, are considered very important indication of Ars. Great restlessness during fever, changes places continually.

This nasal discharge with much sneezing. Yet inspite of the fluent coryza the nose feels stopped up.

Every time the patient drinks water chill increases.


Great heat, whole body burning hot.

Face red and hot (Bell.).

Violent chill must be covered in every stage of fever.

Becomes chilly on least movement or on being uncovered.

Constant chillness is the most striking characteristic of Nux Vom.

Tongue is coated yellow or white.

Thirst during chill and fever.

Nose stuffed up at night and in open air.

Frontal headache.

Head feels heavy. Irritable during fever.

Aversion to being disturbed.


Pulsatilla is useful in all types of fevers.

Puls. has both morning and evening paroxysms, though evening is prominent.

Fever with chill.

Chillness even in warm room.

Fever with chill from 2 to 4 p.m. evening and night.

Chilly yet wants to be uncovered.

Thirst before chill, but not during chill.

During fever there may be thirst or the patient may be thirstless. Intolerable burning heat at night.

Burning of eyes and lachrymation during fever.

Tongue coated white or yellow.

There may be nausea and vomiting. Moaning during fever.


Baptisia is more useful in intermittent and typhoid fever, but it is also useful in simple continued fever.

Chilliness and aching all over the body.

The patient feels sore all over the body feels as if bruised.

High temperature.

Dull, red face. Drugged, besotted appearance.

Fever associated with drowsiness, as if intoxicated.

Restlessness or tossing about in bed.

Thick white coating on tongue.

Small rapid pulse.

Heaviness of the head.

Little or no thirst.

RHUS TOX. 6, 30

R.T. is useful in catarrhal fever, fever caused by drenching in rain or bathing in ponds or streams or living in a damp room.

Yawning and stretching are the first symptoms to be noticed.

Tiredness, dullness and weakness of the whole body with a desire to lie down.

There is bruised sensation in the limbs, soreness, severe pain in the back and bones.

Dry, teasing, fatiguing cough.

Then comes the stage of chill.

Cough is worse in the evening.

High fever, as if dashed with hot water or as if hot water was running through the vessels. Patient is restless. Cannot stay in one position, changes positions to obtain relief from pain.

During fever teasing cough is no more and in its place urticaria breaks out over entire body with violent itching, which passes of with the sweat.

Sweat over the whole body except head.

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