Homeopathic Medicine for Low Blood-Pressure (Hypotension)


Low Blood-Pressure

CARBO VEG. 6, 30

Pulse thread like, weak and small, intermittent.

Burning around the heart.

Weak heart from fatty degeneration.

Vertigo and nausea.

Face pale with cold sweat.


This remedy is useful in both high and low blood pressure. This remedy give strength to the heart. Because of the weakness of the heart, blood pressure increases or decreases.


In low blood pressure this is also very useful.

Heart constriction as from an iron band.

Heart feels clutched and released alternately by an iron band or feels it expands and contracts.

CALC. PHOS. 12X, 30X, 200X

This biochemic remedy is useful in low blood pressure of thin, emaciated people.

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