Homeopathic Medicine for Typhoid




Gels. is often indicated in the first stage of typhoid fever.

Patient feels soreness all over, as if he had been beaten.

Great drowsiness and thirstlessness are the prominent symptom of this remedy.

Generally, the rise in fever occurs towards evening.

He cannot move on account of weakness.

He is drowsy and has suffused red face.

Tongue trembles when attempting to protrude it.

Prostration is most prominent.

Drooping eyelids is characteristic.

Thick, white, yellow or brown coating on the tongue.

Dull headache, especially in occipital region.

Gels. usually precedes Baptisia.


Like Gelsemium it is also useful in the first stage of typhoid fever, but we must remember that Gels. is slow-paced as regards its onset, but Baptisia is of rapid onset.

The patient sinks rapidly into a stupid typhoid state—dull, drugged, besotted.

Patient feels tired and bruised all over.

Restless and tosses about the bed to find a soft spot.

Patient think he is scattered about and this makes him toss about the bed to collect pieces.

Patient thinks he is divided into three parts and he try to get those pieces together.

All the discharges from the body such as urine, stool, breath, sweat are very offensive and putrid. Patient is very weak, besotted, prostrated.

Face looks like a drunkard, dark red, dusky and flushed.

Temperature is high.

Fall asleep while being spoken to it in the middle of a sentence.

The tongue looks dry, heavy, brown and heavily coated, edges still remaining red.

The teeth are covered with sordes.

Diarrhea painless, very offensive.

Urine become scanty and offensive.

Dr. Burnet says, “Baptisia is the king of all remedies for typhoid. But it would be a mistake to use it indiscriminately in all cases of typhoid. If used on proper indications it cuts the disease short.”

RHUS TOX. 30, 200

R.T. is also very useful remedy in typhoid fever.

Patient is very restless. We rarely find him in one posture. He changes his position constantly.

The R.T. tongue is characteristic.

It is dry, red, cracked with red edges and triangular red tip, takes imprint of teeth.

Diarrhea of yellowish brown stools of offensive odor, may be involuntary.

Pain in back and limbs.

Blisters appear around the mouth and chin.

Low muttering type of delirium, talks about rowing, swimming, daily occupation etc.


Arnica is useful in typhoid fever when the following symptoms are present—

The sore, bruised feeling all over the body.

The patient tosses about the bed to find a soft spot. When we ask him, “Why are you moving?” He says, “I search for a soft place, because everything on which he lies feel too hard.”

Low muttering type of delirium. Patient is conscious when spoken to and correctly answers but unconsciousness and delirium returns at once. When roused up he looks at the doctor he says “I am not sick. It does not need a doctor”. Involuntary and unnoticed stools and urine.


It is useful in advanced stage (2nd or 3rd week) of typhoid fever. It is to be given when there is rapid sinking of strength.

Great restlessness, constantly moves head and limbs, trunk still because of extreme weakness.

Diarrhea of dark, offensive stools. Characteristic thirst—drinks often but very little at a time.

Extremely red tongue.

All the symptoms are worse after mid night.

Dr. W. A. Dewey writes— “When the thirst, the prostration, the red tongue, the picture of complete exhaustion, the diarrhea and the prostrated restlessness are present in any given case Ars. is the only remedy to be thought of?”

BRYONIA 30, 200

This is one of the great typhoid fever remedies. We find it indicated in the early as well as in the latter stage. The characteristic symptoms of Bryo. are—

During fever the patient has low muttering delirium. The patient talks about his daily business.

There may also be a delirium in which the patient imagines that he is away from home, desires to get out of bed and go home although he is at home.

Tired feeling. Every exertion fatigues.

Intense frontal headache, worse from motion.

Fullness of the head in the morning, which is followed by nosebleed.

Great thirst for large quantities of water at long intervals.

Bowels are generally constipated, but in some cases, we see diarrhea with soft, mushy stools.

CARBO VEG. 6, 30

C.V. is our last resort in critical cases. Dr. M. L. Tyler writes— “Carbo Veg. is a sheet-anchor in low state of typhoid, in the last stage of collapse, where there is coldness, cold sweat, great prostration, dyspnea— wants to be fanned, cold tongue”.

It is indicated when—

There is extreme collapse, sopor, rattling, cold sweat.

Lies pulseless and cold.

Feet and legs, especially below knees, are cold.

Bloody foetid stools.

Abdomen distended with copious escape of putrid flatus.

Desire for air—patient wants to be fanned all the time, wants windows open to inhale the fresh air.


Lachesis is also indicated in the later stage of typhoid, where the patient is in a stuporous condition.

Both body and mind worn out with relaxation of muscular system.

Face red, swollen and puffy.

Patient sleeps with his mouth open, his lower jaw drops down showing great drain in his vital force.

Tongue, swells, difficult to protrude, also it trembles.

Much rumbling in distended abdomen.

Delirium is slow and muttering.

Loquacity is marked from the beginning, though at times we find him in stupor with coldness of extremities and trembling of hands. Often this condition is associated with a debilitating offensive diarrhea.


It is also one of our best remedies in typhoid. It corresponds to the later stage, where putridity and great weakness are prominent. During typhoid there is marked debility and prostration which compels the patient to lie down in bed.

It is nearer to Carbo Veg. than any other remedy.

The complaint is associated with hanging of lower jaw.

The patient lies in stuporous condition.

Lower jaw hangs down.

Diarrhea involuntary, while urinating or passing wind.

Tongue coated at edges, shrunken, dry, leather like, paralyzed.

Bed sores.

Muscular prostration comes first, mind remains long clear (reverse of Phos. Ac.)


It is one of the best remedies in typhoid. It is useful in second and third week of typhoid.

The patient is completely prostrated.

Lies in stupor, unconsciousness of what is going on but, when aroused is fully conscious. If questioned, answer correctly but slowly and again falls asleep, associated with low muttering delirium.

Fever is always low.

Nose bleed at an early stage of the fevers but it gives no relief. Diarrhea, painless and involuntary, debilitating.

The stool is watery, white, grey.

Profuse sticky sweat even if the temperature is not high.

Tongue is coated white-grey with red streak in the middle, mouth dry.


It is indicated in typhoid when typhoid with decomposition of blood and hemorrhages anywhere.

Blood dark, non-coagulable.

Yellowness of skin.


Fever rapidly develop the typhoid state.

Sensorium is clouded. Remains in stuporous and unconscious state. Does not recognize anyone.

Answers properly but stupor returns at once.

Patient attempts to jump out of bed and run away, thinks he is at wrong place.

Constantly spits on his bed clothes.

Put his hand on his genitals and plays with same.

Exposes person. Wants to be naked.

The muscles all over the body twitch intermittently.

The mouth remains open, the lower jaw hangs down and the patient lies in a state of stupor.

Tongue is red and cracked.

Involuntary stool and urine.


Temperature may be low or high.

Patient gets into a state of muttering delirium with dullness of sense and snoring.

Complete stupor from which the patient cannot be roused or only with great difficulty and then falls back into unconsciousness or gradually increasing wild delirium followed by gradually increasing coma.

Hot perspiration over whole body, except lower limbs.

Drooping of lower jaw.

Face red, bloated with half closed eyes.

Tongue black, brown.

Delirium, constantly thinks he is not at home.

Bed feels hot, cannot lie on it. Moves often in search of a cool place. Wants to be uncovered.

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