Homeopathic Remedies for Amblyopia


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This is an impairment of vision without obvious structural alteration in the eyes. It may be transient or persistent. Loss of blood. Diabetes, Hysteria, Uraemia, Malaria, too free use of tobacco, Santonine, Salicylate of soda, Opium, Cannabis Indica are said to be the causes.


If due to loss of blood or other fluids from the body China 6-30; this failing, Phosphorus 6-30. If due to over-indulgence in narcotics. Nux Vomica 1x. If due to congestion, Belladonna 6-30. If due to want of menstrual flow, Pulsatilla 6-30. If due to heart-troubles, Cicuta 6. If due to violent headache, Sanguinaria 3. If eye-bells are tender, Cimicifuga 3. If the white of the eye is tender, Spigelia 6 or Colocynth 6. If due to congestion of head with nose-bleed, Phosphorus 6. If due to rheumatism, Bryonia 6. If due to poverty of blood, Ferrum 6. Acid Phos. 6, Ars. 30, China 6, Euphrasia 3x. If due to indigestion, Nux Vomica 30, Pulsatilla 30, Merc. 6, China 6, Sulphur 30, Belladonna 3.

Avoid dust, soot and glare and avoid straining the eyes. Improve the general health by suitable diets and good hygiene.

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