Homeopathic Remedies for Amenorrhea


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Stoppage of menstural flow after being once established, is due to pregnancy, Anemia and profound ill health (like phthisis, kala-azar, etc.), plethora associated with sedentary easy life, exposure to cold, damp wet, especially during a menstrual period; fatiguing journeys, sudden mental grief or fright, etc.


Vertigo due to congestion to brain, sudden dimness of vision, pain in the socket of the eyes, in the uterus and ovaries, delirium: Bell. 3. Nose-bleed, dizziness, stitching pain in the chest and sides, pain in the stomach, dry cough: Bryonia 6. Agonizing pain in lower abdomen (aggravated by movement), melancholy, fondness for solitude: Sepia 6. Due to cold Aconite 6 this failing, Puls. 3. If menses are irregular, i.e., do not appear on or about the 28th day; Sulphur 30. Due to grief Ignatia 6. Due to Anemia or getting wet: Calc. Carb. 30 or Natrum Mur. 30. Associated with Anemia and diarrhoea: Ferrum 6. Associated with pain in abdomen: Gels 6, Chamomilla 3, Magnesia Phosph. 2x- 12x (trit.) in hot water.

Try also—Cyclamen 6, Ars. 6, Natrum Mur. 30, Helonias 1x, Bell. 3 It is advisable to give warm poultices or compresses to lower abdomen and back.

Jonosia Asoka Ó¨ or Abroma Augusta 0, 5-15 drop- doses are beneficial. These may be used in any menstrual disorder with success.

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