Homeopathic Remedies for Appendicitis


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At the point of junction of large and small intestines is a worm-like blind tube, communicating with the interior of the caecum—or the entrance into the large intestine. We do not know the function of the tube, which being a redundant vestige of some ancestral organ looks like a worm and is therefore called Vermiform Appendix. As the result of cold, trauma or eating hard small particles like seeds of berries, etc., and most probably, as the result of bacterial infections this appendix becomes inflammed. And when it does so, it entangles in its meshes, some amount of surrounding tissues. Hence appendicitis is associated with Perityphlits. The chief danger of appendicitis is that it quickly suppurates and tends to burst into the abdomen cavity, giving rise to an alarming condition called Peritonitis. Hence, surgeons think of removing it as soon as the disease ever begins.

Symptoms: Pain in the right lower comer of abdomen, making the patient lie in bed with legs drawn up. Abdomen, if touched, is rigid along the entire right side; bowels are constipated. There are constitutional disturbances like—rise of temperature with or without rigor, furred tongue, delirium, restlessness etc.


Lachesis 30Cutting pain in the region of the vermiform appendix (right lower part of abdomen) and intolerance of lon-cloth. Apis 30—Pain is stinging or burning in character especially following vaccination; appendicitis of women. These failing, try Iris 30, Arsenic 3x-30—Fear of impending dissolution, anxiety, red tongue, desire to drink cold water but thirst is quenched by small quantities of it, restlessness, exhaustion. Bryonia 3x-30—Aggravation of pain on tossing in bed. Rhus Tox 30-Alleviation of pain on tossing in bed. Try also—Bell. 3, Merc. Cor. 3, Verat. 3, Cholocynth 6, Hepar 6, Sulphur 30, Aconite 3x.

Patient must keep strictly to bed and avoid every kind of solid food or food that gives rise to wind or irritation of intestines. The part may be treated with hot compress. As soon as ever untoward symptoms appear, the surgeon should be called in.

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