Homeopathic Remedies for Some Common Skin-Troubles and Their Treatment


Common Skin-Troubles and Their Treatment

PimplesAconite or Rhus Tox. Apply Soda bicarb lotion or sandal paste.

Dry skin of winter, with tendency to crackAgaricus 6-30. Apply locally Tamus 0 in equal parts of glycerine. Also Try Puls., Rhus Tox., Sulphur, Petrol, etc.

Ring-worms on Mustaches—Lyco., Merc. Iod., Graphites, Antim. Crud. Sulphur.

WartsThuja 1x-30, Antim, Crude. 6, Dulcamara 6, Causticum 6, Locally—Thuja 0 or lime.

Ptyriasis—Kali Carb., Acid Nitric, Naturm Mur., Cantharis, Graphites, Sulphur.

Acne— (facial)  Antim. Crud., Antim. Tart., Carbo Animalis, Ars., Puls., Kali Bichrom., Petrol., Acid Phosph., Sulphur.

CornFerrum Picric 3 (in acute cases) Acid Nitric. 1 (if inflamed and suppurated). Local application of Hydrastis Ө 1 dram in 1 oz. of vaseline.

Ring-worm—Bacillinum 30-200 once a week. Apply locally Acid Chrysophanic, 4 grains in 1 oz. of vaseline. If this fails, try Natrum Sulph. 200 once a month.

Try also—Tellurium, Hepar Sulphur, Phosphorus, Acid Nitric, Rhus Tox, Sepia, Graphites, Sulphur, Merc. Cor., Caladium, Seguinum (especially in the case of women)—all in 6-30 potency.

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