Homeopathic Remedies for Other Complications of Venereal Diseases


Other Complications of Venereal Diseases

Ulcerations in eyes or throat etc.: —Jacaranda Gualandi Ө m. 5 twice daily. If urine has invariably to be drawn off by catheter; Solidago Vir. 0-3x, m. 3-5, thrice daily (especially if there be pain in the kidneys, scanty urine passed with difficulty and dark urine with sediment).

In enlarged prostrate, where catheter is invariably required: —Sabal Serrulata Ө m. 5-10, twice daily (especially suited to old men).

In rheumatism (especially of women): —Viscum Album Ө-3x.

Insomnia: —When the patient is much exhausted: Gels. Ө (m. 3 per dose). Coffea 6, Cimicifuga 3x-30. If insomnia is due to pain. Puls 6. If insomnia is in the first part of the night; and Nux Vom. 6. If insomnia is in the last part of the night.

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