Homeopathic Remedies for Dengue (Break-bone or Dandy Fever)


(Break-bone or Dandy Fever)

The onset of this disease is with slight chill and intense pain all over the body (especially in the joints). Fever with chilliness, nausea, localized swelling here and there and red pimple-like eruptions all over. The face is flushed, there are constipation and loss of appetite. Temperature rises to even 102° or 103°F. Duration of illness is 3 to 7 days. A mild relapse occasionally occurs during convalescence; and prostration continues long after the patient is completely cured. The disease is infectious and its direct cause is not known.

Treatment—Necessarily no medicine is required in most cases; it easily yields to fasting. Carbo Veg. 30 —Head is hot but the rest of the body is cold. Aconite 1x—During the first stage when the fever is high; there are intense thirst, restlessness and fear of death; pulse full and hard. Belladonna 3. —Red pimples, high temperature, headache, violent delirium; redness of face and eyes; pain comes quickly and goes quickly; pulse full and hard. Eupatorium Perf. 1x-Intense pain in bones, soreness in eyes and all over the body, as if the bones were broken. Muscles confused; great thirst before and during chill and fever. Lachesis 6 or Crotalus —In hemorrhages under skin or from bones. Rhus Tox. 3—If pimples have appeared and there are signs of cold and catarrh rheumatic pains; pain relieved by continued motion and worse from rest or first movements. Gelsemium 1x—In mild types of fever. Arsenic 6-If there is diarrhea, restlessness, prostration, anxiety, burning all over the body and fear of death. Bryonia 6—30-Pain all over the body; relieved by rest and aggravated from motion; great thirst; no sweat, dryness all over the body, hard knotty stools or no stools; headache, cough. [For other medicines. See under ‘fever’].

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