Homeopathic Remedies for Some Eye-Troubles and Their Remedies


Some Eye-Troubles and Their Remedies

Burning sensation inside the eyes—Bell, 3, Ars, 6, Sulphur 30.

Cold sensation inside the eyes—Phos. Acid 6.

Heavy sensation of eyelids, inability to open eyes wide—Gels. 1x.

Swelling of eyelids—Apis 6, Rhus Tox 6.

Involuntary movements of eye-balls (nystagmus) or spasmodic contraction of eyelids—Agaricus 6, Puls. 3.

Itching of the eyes (foreign-body-sensation)— Sulphur 30, Puls. 3.

Watering of the eyes—Euphrasia 1x, Puls. 3.

Discharge of hot water from the eyes—Ars. 3x-30.

Bland lachrymation from eyes—Puls. 3-30

Pain in the eyes—Natrum Mur. 12x (trit).-30, Bryonia 6, Hepar Sulph. 6, Belladonna 3.

Neuralgia, Ciliary—Ars. 3, Gels. 1x-3, Spigelia 6-30.

Indrawn sensation of the eyes—Bryonia 6, Lycopodium 12.

Bruised feeling in the eyes—Arnica 3, Gels. 1x.

Pricking or cutting sensation of the eyes—Bryonia 3x-30, Acid Nitric 6.

Splinter-like sensation in the eyes—Acid Nitric 6, Hepar 6- 30, Thuja 30.

Stinging sensation of the eyes—Apis 6.

Tearing sensation of the eyes—Puls. 3, Aur. Met. 6.

Throbbing sensation of the eyes—Belladonna 6, Hepar 6.

Stiff sensation of the eyes—Natrum Mur. 6, (trit.) 3x, Ruta 2x-6.

Nocturnal aggravation of eye-troubles—Ars. 6, Syphilinum 30.

Aggravation of disease on exposure to glare—Merc. 3.

Aggravation of disease on moving the eyes—Bry. 3, Natrum Mur. 30, Arg. Nitr. 6.

Aggravation of disease on applying warmth to the eyes—Sulphur 30.

Relief on fomenting the eyes—Hepar 3.

Pupils dilated—Belladonna 6, Stram. 6.

Pupils contracted—Cina 3x-200, Opium 6, Physostigma 3.

Squinting—Santonine 2x, Belladonna 3, Gels. 3x, Hyoscyamus 6.

Colour blindness—Benzinum-di-nitricum 3-30, Santonine 6.

Day-blindness—Bothrops 6.

Night-blindness—Belladonna 6, Nux Vom. 6-30, Physostigma 3.

Short-sight—Phosph. 6, Causticum 6, Tabacum 6.

Dim-sight—Phosph. 6, Tabacum 6, Causticum 6.

Green or red flare floating before eyes—Phosph. 6.

Yellow vision—Santonine 1x-3x.

Eyes tired on reading—Jaborandi 3, Natrum Ars. 3-30.

Running of letters into one another during reading— Natrum Mur. 30.

Mobility or disappearance of letters, on reading— Cicuta 3.


Agaricus 3—In spasmodic contraction of muscles of eyelids.

Allium Cepa 6—In watery eyes or eyes with foreign- body sensation.

Apis 6—Swelling below eyes. Bag like swelling of the lower eyelids.

Asafoetida 2-6Feeling of pain radiating to outside of the orbit.

Aurum Met. 6x (trit.)-200—Pain diffusing into the inside of the eye globe.

Sulphur 30—Burning and foreign body-sensation in the eyes, aggravated on washing them; pin-thrust sensation inside eyes and film-like blaze in front of the eyes.

Ailanthus 3—Pupils dilated, eyes congested.

Borax 3x (trit.)Small pimples on eyelids which get glued together; lashes turn inward; pain and itching of angles of eyes.

Euphrasia 3—Burning discharge from eyes; profuse watering; eyelids are injected; glueing of eyelids in the morning; mucus in comer. Use externally Euphrasia Ө diluted with 8 times of distilled water.

Stramonium 3—Double Vision.

Staphysagria 6Stye; nodes on nasal bones.

Fluoric Acid 6—Cold-blast-sensation inside the eye.

Crotalus 3—Eyes bleeding; eyes yellow.

Pulsatilla 6—Eyes water in cold or open places. Pulsatilla 30 is good for styes.

Rhus Tox 6—Swelling of whole eyes and of the tissues around it (Pan-ophthalmitis); watery eyes; eyelids stiff and heavy.

Causticum 6Ptosis (or involuntary closure of upper lid).

Prunus Spinosa Ө—Painful eyes.

Argent Nitric 3—Purulent or gummy eyes; plays of serpent-like bodies before eyes.

Belladonna 6Photophobia (intolerance of light).

Cicuta 3—Pupils dilated, cornea insensitive, eyes are squinting, letters go up or down, or disappear.

Cimicifuga 6—Pain in the globe of the eyes. Continuous pain in ears and eyes. (Apply Cimicifuga Ө externally and internally Cimicifuga 3—6).

Natrum Mur. 30—Profuse lachrymation.

Kali Sulph. 6—Purulent eyes.

Clematis 3—Eyes dry, red and hot; burning sensation inside; aggravated in cold or at night.

Gelsemium 3Paralysis or spasm of eye-muscles.

Kali Carb. 3—Swelling over upper eyelids.

Platinum 6—When things look smaller than they are.

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