Homeopathic Remedies for Menorrhagia


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If the quantity of blood passed be excessive—with reference to a quantity per diem or to duration or to frequency, then it constitutes menorrhagia. A woman thus has more than one menstruation a month or a 7 or 8-day menstruation or bleed profusely during the usual limit of 4 days. Excessive flooding is common at the menopause (time when menses permanently cease) and is due to uterine displacements, Tumors or congestion; to venereal excesses; to repeated pregnancies: to high-living or mental excitement. Excessive floodings produce pallor of face, sunken eyes, cold extremities, weak sight and weak pulse, buzzing in the ears, fits of unconsciousness, of fainting. Malaise, yawnings, feeling of out-of-sorts, headache and heaviness, pain in back and loins, chilliness, loss of appetite are associated symptoms.


Onset of menses too frequent, profuse discharge, pain in abdomen, nausea Borax 6. Profuse discharge at night: Magnesia Carb. 6. Associated with acrid leucorrhoeal discharge (especially in chronic cases): Ars. 3-200. Weakness, functional derangements of uterus, excessive flooding: Ars. 6. Pain in back and lower abdomen at menopause, during pregnancy or after delivery: Puls. 6. Inflammation of kidneys, dim sight, pain in the ovaries, scarlet blood is passed: Sabina 6 (especially suited to stout women). Painless, profuse, thin discharge; blood may be in clots or foul smelling or blackish; flooding increases after movements; body is cold but there is sensation of warmth inside the body; formication-sensation in the cervix; pain in abdomen; tar-like big clots passed with a sense of pressure on the vagina Crocus Sativa 3. Use China 6, during the intermenstrual period and Crocus during menses. Thick tarry or liquid blood is passed; pain in vagina and groins; sensation of abdominal contents being drawn out of the vagina; strong desire for coitus; inflammation of uterus; somnolence Platina 6. Some advice alternate use of it and Crocus, both being valuable in the chronic condition of the disease. Acute pain (sometimes now and then) like that felt by a woman in Labor, coming on before menstrual cycle and accompanied with hard lumpy clots; Chamomilla 12. Painless, copious, thin or thick and blackish haemorrhage; debility following haemorrhages; ringing in the ears; burning sensation near the Os; aggravation of disease every third day; China 6. Pain in the region of the navel, extending down to uterus; frequent nausea; dizziness; headache; face pale and cold; scarlet bright blood is passed; Ipecac 3x. (If the same symptoms are present after delivery, the same drug can be used to check sudden haemorrhages). Inflammation of urethra and of rectum; occasional discharge of profuse scarlet red blood, especially after delivery: Erigeron 3x. Bleeding from uterus as the result of injury: Arnica 3x or Hamamellis 3x. If haemorrhage is preceded long before the due date by itchiness of the genitals in a woman with chronic leucorrhoea, pain in chest; Calc. Carb. 6 (especially in stout women). If scarlet red clots are passed and there is pain in the knees (especially in women who easily bleed): Trillium 6. In intractable haemorrhage m. 5 of Oil Cinnamon, in a dram of milk.

Try also—Calc. Carb. 6. Aloes 3x, Ferrum 6, Thlaspi Ө (m. 5 per dose) Secale 6, Bell. 3, Acid Nitric 1-3, Ambra 3, Helonias 1, Ustilago 6, Hydrastis Ө, Ficus Religiosa 1x.

For debility from haemorrhage: Puls, Ferrum, China, Ars. For irregularities of circulation and fever: Aconite. For rheumatism: Cimicifuga. For diarrhoea, hoarse voice, cough and other symptoms of phthisis Calc. Carb. For mental excitement or strong sexual desire Phosph. Occassional profuse menstruation with no other discomfort than a little weakness: Trillium. [Use all these in 6th potency].

Mental and physical fatigue should be avoided. Patient should keep warm and eat only plain food—avoiding all stimulants. Constitutional or local troubles causing flooding should be attended to.

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