Homeopathic Remedies for Simple Fever


Simple Fever

Cause: Exposure to cold or wet or to inclemencies of weather, dietetic indiscretions, excessive fatigue etc.


  • Aconite 3x (every 2 or 3 hours) If fever is due to exposure to dry, cold wind or to fear or to surgical operations; intense thirst or restlessness are prominent symptoms.
  • Belladonna 6 Intense headache; eyes red.
  • Rhus Tox 6 pain all over the body, especially so in the loins; fever due to exposure to damp rainy weather; or from getting wet after being over-heated or while perspiring.
  • Dulcamara 6 Fever due to getting wet in rainy season.
  • Ipecac 6 If nausea is very troublesome.
  • Pulsatilla 6: If fever is due to errors in diet or free baths and if the patient is thirstless.

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