Homeopathic Remedies for Small Pox


Small Pox

Cause—It is an infectious disease, caused by a germ that has not yet been identified.

Types— (1) Confluent, (2) Discrete or separate, (3) Haemorrhagic.

SymptomsIncubation period—10 to 12 days. Primary Fever ushered in with chill, pain all over the body and especially in the small of the back, nausea and vomiting; the temperature rises to 103—107°F. It lasts for 3 or 4 days. Then follows Eruptive Stage—after the fever has abated. The eruptions appear at first as red pimples, soon become filled with water (serum); they then rapidly mature (pus forms inside), when Secondary fever sets in (105°—108 F). This is due to blood poisoning and if the eruptions are discrete and no serious complications exist, in 9 to 10 days, the fever subsides, the eruptions dry up and get scabbed over and convalescence sets in. If, however, the eruptions are confluent or haemorrhagic or complications like pneumonia, menningitis etc. set in, death occurs.


  • Vaccination with cowpox virus.
  • Vaccininum 6x, one grain (trit.), only once during epidemic.
  • Vaccininum 30, Variolinum 30 or Malandrinum 30, once a week during epidemics.
  • Thuja 200, Silicaea 30, Mezereum 200, Kali Mur. 30. If after vaccination one’s health breaks down or intractable skin eruptions occur, Thuja 6—200 is recommended.


During First Stage—Antim. Tart. 3x at the start and all through, alternately with other medicines. Baptisia 3x— in haemorrhagic eruptions and if patient is exhausted. Verat. Viride 3x-in pain in loins and back, pulse quick, temperature high, watery motions. Antim. tart. 3x—if eruptions are full of pus, there is pain in throat, nausea, vomiting, fever.

During Second Stage—Merc. Sol. 3Fever, pain in the eruptions, sore-throat, bloody dysentery. Rubini’s spirit of Camphor, Gelsemium 1x, Zincum 6when eruptions are partially or wholly suppressed. Thuja 0—eruptions following vaccination. Rhus Tox 30—if malignant type of fever sets in during maturation of eruptions. Apis Mel. 3x—if face and skin around eruptions swell and if itching increases at night. Arsenic 6—30—if there are fever and diarrhoea after maturation of eruptions. Hamamellis 3—if there are haemorrhages.

Accessory Treatment—Keep patient clean, on clean soft bed and in a well-ventilated room; if he can help it, he should turn in bed or even sit up. When the eruptions mature, smear them with acid boric in olive oil or with sandal (1 in 20); and when scabs form, sponge him with hot water, after smearing butter all over. Sago or barley- gruel and ass-milk during the height of the disease, and light nourishing diets during convalescence should be taken. Fish and meat should be avoided.

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