Homeopathic Remedies for Tumor


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Tumors are new formations, being local circumscribed overgrowth of tissues. Why they form, nobody knows. They are classified as benign or malignant. Malignant Tumors cause much local destruction of tissues and constitutional disturbances. Benign Tumors do nothing of the kind.


Baryta Carb. 6-Especially valuable in fatty Tumors of cheek.

Arsenic 3x-When there are local pain and constitutional disturbances.

Calcarea Flour. 12x-Stony hard Tumors.

In fatty Tumors, give Calcarea Carb 30; in those that smart or there is pain. Hydrastis 1x-6; in Tumors of the urinary passage. Eucalyptus 3x with local application of Eucalyptus 0. Also try Bry., Cimi., Conium., Lach., Phyto., Thuja, according to symptoms.

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