Homeopathic Remedies for Typhus


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It is an infectious disease. It commences with chill, headache and high temperature (103°—105°F.) and the patient becomes soon comatose and bluish. In 5 or 6 days, small purple pimples appear all over the body. It lasts for 2 weeks. If it is associated with convulsions, bronchitis, pneumonia, the prognosis is grave. This disease which generally originates from filth and over-crowding, is now-a-days rare.


Rhus Tox. 3—30—in uncomplicated cases. Arnica 6—200; Deep coma; purple pimples (rashes) appear.

Lachesis 6—30—In blood-poisoning (Septicaemia).

Agaricus 3: Restlessness, convulsions, tremors.

[For the treatment of complications see under their respective heads].

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