The symptoms of narcolepsy typically appear in childhood or adolescence, but many people have narcolepsy symptoms for years before receiving a proper diagnosis. Narcolepsy occurs equally in men and women and is thought to affect about 1 in 2,000 people.

Types of narcolepsy

Narcolepsy has two distinct forms:

·Type 1the most prevalent, is characterized by episodes of extreme sleepiness and cataplexy during the daytime due to low levels of a protein called hypocretin. This symptom is called cataplexy, or sudden loss of muscle tone.

·Type 2People with type 2 narcolepsy typically have normal levels of the hormone hypocretin, which means they do not experience cataplexy.


The chemical hypocretin, which is essential for controlling wakefulness and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, is deficient in narcolepsy with cataplexy, which results in excessive sleepiness and the appearance of REM sleep features during wakefulness. This condition is caused by an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks the brain cells that produce hypocretin, leading to a deficiency of the chemical.

·Family history.Close relatives of some narcoleptics may also experience the same symptoms.

·Brain injury or brain tumorA few patients may experience damage from trauma, tumors, or diseases to the region of the brain that regulates REM sleep and wakefulness.

·Infections.Additionally, studies point to a potential connection between receiving a specific type of H1N1 vaccine and swine flu (H1N1) exposure.


·Environmental toxinssuch as heavy metals, pesticides, and cigarette smoke.


·Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS):This symptom is present in all narcolepsy patients. People with EDS experience mental fogginess, a lack of energy and concentration, memory lapses, a depressed mood, and/or extreme exhaustion on a daily basis, interfering with normal activities such as work, school, home life, social activities, etc.

·Cataplexy:This symptom is a sudden loss of muscle tone or strength brought on by strong emotions, such as laughter, fear, surprise, stress, or anger, and it can happen at any time. Attacks range from a brief buckling of the knees to total body paralysis with collapse, usually lasting a few seconds to several minutes, and the patient is fully conscious throughout these attacks.

·Disrupted nighttime sleep:Frequent nighttime awakenings are a description of this symptom.

·Sleep paralysis:Episodes of sleep paralysis typically pass within a few seconds to a few minutes. This symptom is the inability to move or speak right before going to sleep or right after waking up.

·Hallucinations:These hallucinations, which can include seeing an animal or person in the room, floating or feeling touched, hearing an alarm, or hearing voices, typically occur just before falling asleep (known as hypnagogic hallucinations) or just after waking up (known as hypnopompic hallucinations).

·Automatic behavior:When experiencing this symptom, it’s as if you briefly nod off but then keep going about your daily activities like eating, talking, driving, or writing—all without being aware of it or remembering doing it later.


A. Drug therapy

B. Life style changes.

Consider the following:

Maintain a regular sleep/wake schedule by going to bed and rising at roughly the same time each day. Prevent purposeful sleep loss by not staying up late on the weekends.

Avoid watching TV, using computers or phones in bed, and maintain a quiet, dark, cool, and cozy bedroom.

For several hours prior to going to bed, stay away from caffeine-containing foods and beverages (cokes, teas, energy drinks, and chocolate).

Don’t smoke, particularly at night.

Exercising should not be done within three hours of going to bed.

Avoid eating or drinking a lot right before bed.

Before going to bed, unwind by taking a warm bath, practicing gentle yoga poses, listening to calming music, or inhaling calming scents like lavender, eucalyptus, or peppermint.

When you feel the most sleepy, try to take a quick nap for 20 to 30 minutes at a time.


When it comes to NARCOLEPSY, there are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy, but the choice depends on the individuality of the patient, taking into account mental and physical symtoms. Homoeopathy is currently a rapidly growing system and is being practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual by promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.

ANTIMONIUM CRUDUM:Sleepy and weary, drowsy, especially in the elderly, and deep, unrefreshing sleep are all signs that someone is inclined to sleep throughout the day, especially in the morning or evening.

ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM:An uncontrollable desire to sleep, a lot of drowsiness, excessive yawning, electric-like shocks as you fall asleep, trembling and fixed-eye cries while you sleep, and jerking up of your limbs while you sleep.

ARSENIC ALBUM:Awakened by pains. Shocks upon falling asleep. Violent beginning with twitching, trembling of limbs during sleep. Disturbed sleep at night with great restlessness. Drowsy and sleepiness in the daytime while sitting. Talks in sleep. Yawning and stretching of limbs.

CAUSTICUM:Yawning and stretching during the day, being so sleepy that it’s difficult to stay awake, having to lay down, and laughing and sobbing while sleeping.

CHELIDONIUM MAJUS:She almost nods off while walking or speaking due to her extreme drowsiness, which is noticeable even outside.

CIMEX LECTULARIUS:Extreme sleepiness, including falling asleep while sitting up in the morning, being unable to stay awake during cold weather, and frequently yawning while feeling cold.

CYCLAMEN:There was a strong desire to relax and sleep, no motivation to work, and a great deal of melancholy.

HYDROCYANIC ACID:Shivering and yawning as well as narcolepsy are all symptoms.

KALI BROMATUM:Extreme sleepiness; passes out in char.

KALI NITRICUM:Daytime sleepiness, disturbed nights of sleep, frequent awakenings, and daytime sleepiness.

MERCURIUS:High levels of daytime sleepiness that are not alleviated by deep sleep.

NATRUM MURIATICUM:Sleepiness and drowsiness following meals. Sleepiness in the afternoon. Nervous jerking while sleeping. Sobbing while sleeping.

NATRUM SULPH:drowsiness, particularly while reading, during the day.

NUX MOSCHATA:Narcolepsy: Irresistibly sleepy, hazy, as if intoxicated; extreme drowsiness and sleepiness; sleepy attacks that come on suddenly and cause dizziness; extreme sleepiness with all complaints; dreams of falling from a height while being pursued.

NUX VOMICA:After meals and in the early evening, I become drowsy; I feel better after a nap, unless I am awakened; I yawn; I weep; I talk while I sleep; I have anxious dreams involving dogs and cats.

OPIUM:Feels extremely sleepy and drifts off to a deep sleep.

PHYSOSTIGMA VENENOSUM:episodes of extreme drowsiness that make it feel like you’re going to pass out.

PULSATILLA NIGRICANS:Wide awake in the evening, first sleep restless; lies with hands over head or crossed on abdomen and feet drawn up; talks, whines, or screams while sleeping. Irresistible afternoon sleepiness; great daytime sleepiness; wakes confused, languid, and unrefreshed. Sleepy while eating.

SABADILLA:He has a strong propensity to fall asleep during the day, which usually occurs when he is thinking, meditating, or reading. At night, he has agitated and unrefreshing dreams, and in the morning, he awakens feeling startled.

SEPIA:When it’s daytime, he has a strong desire to sleep and immediately nods off upon sitting down.

ZINCUM METALLICUMNarcolepsy: Unrefreshing, interrupted sleep; crying out while sleeping; jerking of the body; startling awakening; loud screams while screaming unconsciously; twitching of the feet while sleeping.

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