The most common cause of death for people receiving mental health treatment is suicide, which serves as a model for psychiatric emergencies.

Deliberate self-harm (DSH), which includes suicide, is defined as an act of intentionally harming oneself that results in death.

According to estimates, 2-10% of people who attempt suicide will actually succeed in taking their own lives within the next 10 years.

The person making a suicidal gesture, on the other hand, never intends to die as a result of the action, though some of these people may unintentionally pass away while carrying it out.

While men are 2-4 times more likely to commit suicide, women are more likely to attempt suicide.


Among the frequent reasons for suicide are:

Psychiatric disorders

Suicide is frequently caused by psychiatric conditions, such as, for instance

a. Depression

· Major depression

Depression brought on by a life-threatening physical condition

Reactive depression is depression that develops as a result of stressors in life, such as family and/or marital problems, failure to meet goals, problems at work or with money, and the loss of a loved one.

Drug and alcohol abuse (b)

c. Schizophrenia

Low levels of 5-HIAA and genetic factors, which have a concordance rate of 18% in monozygotic twins, both play a role in some suicide cases.

Physical disorders

Suicide is a common method used by people who suffer from painful or incurable physical conditions like AIDS and cancer.

Psychosocial factors

Failure in an exam, extramarital affairs, marital problems, illegitimate pregnancies, family issues or family psychopathology, loss of a loved object by death or other means, occupational or financial difficulties, and social isolation are some examples of psychosocial factors that are very important causes of suicide. In about 16% of cases, no obvious causes were found.


Since suicide cannot be treated once it has been completed, the best way to manage the problem is to stop it before it happens.

Taking the following actions can help prevent suicide:

A psychiatrist or other mental health professional should be informed of any threats, gestures, or attempts to harm oneself.

b. A psychiatrist or other mental health specialist needs to assess the risk and determine how serious the situation is, then take appropriate preventative action.

Examine the patient’s physical environment, searching it thoroughly for any sharp objects, ropes, drugs, or weapons, and removing them all.

Depending on how great a risk it is, surveillance

c. An urgent medical interview for mental health.

d. Counselling and guidance.

To address the urge to commit suicide.

To manage ongoing life stressors, as well as to impart interpersonal and copying skills.

e. Medication-assisted psychotherapy for the treatment of psychiatric disorders.

To avoid further suicide attempts or attempts, it is crucial to receive follow-up care.



Alumina patients are depressed, anxious, want to flee, and see everything in a depressing light. Suicidal tendency or impulses when seeing a knife or blood.


One of the best treatments for depression that results in suicide is aurum met. Aurummetallicum patients are very serious individuals who are intensely focused on work and achievement and who become depressed if they feel they have failed in some way. Nervous breakdown. Thoughts of committing suicide but fears death greatly. Disgusted of life and thoughts. Profound despondency. Peevish. Rapid and constant questioning without waiting for answers. Oversensitive to noise.


Depression made worse by music or dim lighting, sitting next to a stained-glass window, and suicidal impulses that require self-control to suppress. Natrum sulph. patients are sensitive and suspicious, and they dislike speaking and being spoken to. Mental problems caused by head injuries or the aftereffects of falls.

NUX VOMICASuicidal tendencies in alcoholics, high levels of irritability, nervousness, and excitability, as well as urges to commit suicide, kill someone else, or jump from a height are all common.

SEPIAPatients with sepsis are irritable, angry, sensitive, easily offended, and miserable. They have an indifference to loved ones and an aversion to work and family. They want to kill themselves. Nobody knows what she will do next.

SILICEAShe cries when describing her symptoms, which include mood swings brought on by hormonal imbalance, a loss of self-confidence and a fear of failure, fixed ideas, sadness, and a desire to commit suicide by drowning.


Mental dullness; fixed ideas; believes that his blood is tainted or dirty; emotional sensitivity; music causes trembling and weeping; mental depression following childbirth; overexcited; she is tempted to commit suicide until she bleeds.

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