Obcare Herbal Capsules For Weight Management 60 Caps Pack


There are many supplements available online that claim to help you lose weight or reduce fat in a matter of days, but the majority of these products fall short when it comes to commitment. How do you find the best supplement for weight management?

Supplements for herbal weight loss: the fundamentals

Nowadays, a variety of dietary supplements are available online, but the ones that actually help you manage your weight are those that are formulated with plant extract and state on the label that they are “100% Herbal.” However, just because a supplement is herbal doesn’t mean it is safe, and just because it sounds “healthy” doesn’t mean it works.

It is based on the principles of tridoshas balance and is vata kapha shamak. ObCare Herbal Capsule increases metabolism in the body, removes extra fat, aids in the elimination of toxic elements from the body, and reduces the likelihood of fat deposition in the body because it maintains a high metabolism in the body. It was developed with proper clinical backing and research references of each ingredient taken from the ancient books of ayurveda and studies.

Herbal extract is contained in each 500 mg capsule:

  • Haritki, Bhibhatki, and Amalaki are combined to make triphala.
  • The doshas are all balanced by amla.
  • The three doshas are all balanced by harad.
  • Pitta and Kapha doshas are balanced by baheda.
  • Jeera: It balances the kapha, vata, and pitta doshas while boosting the vata and pitta.
  • It harmonizes the kapha and vata doshas, mustak.
  • Chitrak: It harmonizes the kapha and vata doshas.
  • Punarnava: It harmonizes the kapha and pitta doshas.
  • Vata and Kapha doshas are balanced by black pepper’s effects on the doshas.

Uses for herbs and their chemical makeup include:

  • Guggal: It contains volatile oil that ranges from 7 to 17%, resins, eugenol, limonene, sesquiterpenes, and sterols, such as (Z-guggulsterone and E-gugglsterone), which are used to treat skin conditions and lose weight in obese people who are more likely to develop diseases.
  • Amla: It is used as Rasayana, a natural aphrodisiac and weight loss aid that also contains vitamin C, tannins, fat, and phyllembin.
  • Harad: It has chebulic, gallic, chebulagic, and D-glucose acids; it is used for weight loss, skin disorders, and anti-aging.
  • Baheda: It has sitosterols, ellagic acid, and bellericoside, and its uses include weight loss, rejuvenation, and the promotion of healthy hair growth.
  • Jeera is used as an analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-emetic, and carminative, as well as to slow down weight loss. It contains volatile oils like cumin oil, limonene, linalool, and terpene-4-ol.
  • Mustak: It also has 0.5% aromatic oil, alkaloids, calcium phosphorus, sodium carbonates, and is used to treat diarrhea in addition to being a good appetizer and a weight loss preventative.
  • Leukoderma can be treated with this herbal remedy for obesity.
  • Beta-sitosterls and palmitic acid are found in Punarnava.


Twice daily, take 2 capsules, or as prescribed by a doctor.


60 capsules per bottle, 1 bottle pack.

USP of OUR Product:

  • We used the recommended dosage of herbal extracts from the label.
  • with no artificial color added.
  • Nothing artificial has been added as a flavoring.
  • Licensed GMP Unit
  • A KVIC-sponsored facility (Indian government) manufactures the product.
BrandDeep Ayurveda
Container TypeHDPE Bottle
Shelf Life36 Months
Remedy TypeAyurvedic
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorCapsule
Price₹ 1

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