Homeopathy Medicine for Ocd


People who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) may exhibit either compulsive, repetitive behaviors or obsessive thoughts and urges; some OCD sufferers exhibit both.

OCDis a disorder that affects our job, school, and relationships and prevents us from living a normal life. The disorder is not about bad habits like biting nails or thinking only negative thoughts. Our thoughts and actions are out of our control.

Even though one may not want to think or act in these ways, they feel powerless to stop, as in the case of obsessive thoughts and compulsive habits like washing hands seven times after touching something that may be dirty.


Despite the fact that many OCD sufferers are aware of the absurdity of their thoughts and behaviors, they continue to engage in them out of sheer inability to stop, and because stopping makes them feel terrible, they often relapse.

Obsessive thoughts can include:

  • aversion to dirt or bacteria
  • concern for one’s safety or the safety of others
  • the necessity of placing things in a specific order
  • being of the opinion that some colors or numbers are “good” or “bad”
  • continuous attention to breathing, blinking, or other bodily sensations
  • Lack of evidence to support a partner’s infidelity

Compulsive habits can include:

  • many successive handwashings
  • completing tasks in a particular sequence or a predetermined number of “good” times each time
  • repeated checks for a light switch, a locked door, and other things
  • To count steps or bottles, for example
  • arranging things precisely, such as cans with the front of the labels up
  • aversion to shaking hands, using the restroom in public, or touching doorknobs


OCD is slightly more common in women than in men; symptoms typically start in adolescence or early adulthood; stress can exacerbate symptoms; the exact cause of OCD is unknown; certain brain regions in OCD individuals may not appear normal, but more research is needed.

  • Depression, anxiety or tics
  • Experience with trauma


SYPHILINUM –Useful for people with obsessive compulsive disorder who have the urge to wash their hands repeatedly because they believed that they were dirty from touching any objects or that they were contaminated by germs.

CARCINOSIN –When a person constantly believes that they have a chance of developing cancer, as well as a fear of exams, heights, and crowds, this medication is very helpful for OCD. It is also best suited for people who demand perfection in all of their work.

SILICEA 200 –Given when a person fears pins, searches for them, and counts them, this medication is useful for obsessive compulsive disorder, which has fixed ideas and makes the sufferer extremely nervous and impressionable.

STRAMONIUM 200 –Very helpful for people who suffer from religious mania and obsessive-compulsive disorder because they read religious texts constantly and have persistent religious thoughts.


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