Dr. Reckeweg R15 F (Vita C Forte) (1Box)


R15 F (Vita C Forte) indications of Dr. Reckeweg

Stress-related symptoms like nervous exhaustion, headaches, insomnia, depressions, inability to focus, lack of energy, spring fatigue, and convalescence can also be caused by stress.

Vita C Forte’s Dr. Reckeweg R15 F’s chemical composition

  • Acid phosphor: Consequences of complaints and worries, mental and physical weakness, weakness in the sacral region of the back, an inability to perform mental tasks, daytime drowsiness, a dislike of social interaction, and pollutions.
  • Citrus medica Iimonum: Blurred vision, a weak pulse, and an impact on blood flow and quality.
  • Cocculus: Physical exhaustion, irritability, a depressed mood, insomnia, and weak neck muscles with a head-heavy sensation are all symptoms.
  • Ginseng: fatigued and weak in the lumbar region, mental confusion, and nervous exhaustion
  • Helonias: exhaustion and overexertion, along with uterine ailments, nervous irritability, depressions, and a desire for solitude (especially in women).
  • Sepia: Sadness, moodiness, and apathy toward responsibilities, particularly in menopausal women.
  • Zincum met: Leg trembling, nervous system irritability, taciturnity, slow mental processing, poor memory, burning and weakness along the spinal cord, and prickling and numbness of the limbs are all symptoms of extreme nervous exhaustion.

dosage of Vita C Forte (Dr. Reckeweg R15 F)

We advise taking two daily doses of VITA-C 15 FORTE (morning and evening) for six days before any anticipated stressful situations, then continuing with one dose per day for about three weeks.


Used only with a doctor’s approval.

BrandDr. Reckeweg
Container TypeBOX
Shelf LifeLong expiry
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginGermany
Suitable ForVeg / Vegetarian
Price₹ 977

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