Homeopathy Medicine for Scleritis


The eye’s sclera, which is also its white portion, is its protective outer layer and is attached to the muscles that support eye movement.

The type of scleritis you have depends on where the inflammation is, and it can be very painful. Scleritis is a disorder in which the sclera becomes severely inflamed and red.


Based on whether the disease affects the anterior (front) or posterior (back) of the sclera, Watson and Hayreh classification is used to distinguish between the various types of scleritis. The anterior forms are most likely to have an underlying illness as one of their causes.

Anterior scleritis has several subtypes, including:

  • The most prevalent kind of scleritis is anterior.
  • The second most frequent type of anterior scleritis is nodular.
  • The most severe type of anterior scleritis is necrotizing anterior scleritis with inflammation.
  • The most uncommon type of anterior scleritis is necrotizing anterior scleritis without inflammation.
  • The variable symptoms of posterior scleritis, many of which resemble other disorders, make it more difficult to diagnose and detect.


The main symptom of scleritis is severe eye pain that doesn’t respond well to painkillers, which is likely to get worse when you move your eyes, and it may spread throughout your entire face, especially on the side of the affected eye. Each type of scleritis has similar symptoms, and they can get worse if the condition isn’t treated.

Other symptoms may include:

  • excessive tearing, or lacrimation
  • decreased vision
  • blurry vision
  • The fear of light is known as photophobia.
  • the white of your eye, or the sclera, is red.

Because it does not produce the same level of intense pain as other types, the symptoms of posterior scleritis are less noticeable.

  • deep-seated headaches
  • eye movement-related discomfort
  • eye irritation
  • double vision

Scleritis can be painful for some people, but for others it can be mild or even painless.

  • a milder case
  • Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with advanced stages occasionally develops scleromalacia perforans.
  • prior use of immunosuppressive drugs, which block immune system activity, prior to the onset of symptoms


There are theories that the immune system’s T cells, which are responsible for destroying incoming pathogens, which are organisms that can cause disease or illness, start attacking the eye’s own scleral cells, which is thought to be the cause of scleritis. The immune system is a network of organs, tissues, and circulating cells that work together to prevent bacteria and viruses from causing illness.

Risk factors

Scleritis can strike at any age, is more common in women than in men, and is not associated with any particular racial group or geographical region.

  • Inflammation of the blood vessels is a symptom of the uncommon disorder Wegener’s disease (Wegener’s granulomatosis).
  • An autoimmune disease that causes joint inflammation is called rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
  • digestive symptoms are brought on by the bowel inflammation that occurs as a result of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
  • Dry mouth and eyes are common symptoms of the immune disorder Sjogren’s syndrome.
  • Skin inflammation is brought on by the immune condition lupus.
  • autoimmune disease may or may not be related to eye infections
  • accident-induced eye tissue damage


Kalmia – For Eye Pain Worse from Eye Movement

The plant Kalmia Latifolia, also known as mountain laurel, belongs to the ericaceae family and is used to make the homeopathic remedy Kalmia. It is indicated for right-sided eye pain that radiates to the forehead and cases where eye pain gets worse with eye movement, including cases where the pain is drawing or stitching, as well as cases in which itching and stinging are also present, and in which the pain gets worse with eye movement.

Spigelia – For Eye Pain on Movement

Spigelia is made from the plant Spigelia Anthelmintica, also known as pink root, which is a member of the loganiaceae family. It is used to treat eye pain that worsens with movement as well as excessive watering from the eyes. In some cases, the pain from the eyes may be excruciating and may even radiate to the head. The eyes may also be sensitive to touch. There is excessive watering from the affected side, and the eyes are also very red.

Cocculus Indicus – For Sharp, Shooting Eye Pain

Cocculus Indicus is made from the seeds of an Indian cockle plant, which belongs to the menispermaceae plant family. It is used to treat eye pain that is sudden, shooting, and intense, as well as vision that may become dim and light sensitivity. The left side of the sclera is primarily affected when using this medication.

Bryonia – For Painful, Tender, Sensitive Eyes

Bryonia is made from the root of the cucurbitaceae plant Bryonia Alba, also known as white bryony and wild hops, and is used when there is eye pain that is accompanied by sensitivity to touch and watering during the day.

Hepar Sulph – For Sensitive, Sore, Bruised to Touch Eye

This medication should be used if your eyes are watering, sensitive, sore, or bruised to the touch, have violet-red sclera, are sensitive to light, have dim vision while reading, or exhibit any of the symptoms listed above.

For Redness of Sclera

Belladonna – For Redness with Pain

The solanaceae plant deadly nightshade is used to make belladonna, which is used to treat severe eye pain, double vision, and headaches. It is indicated when the white of the eyes are red and pain is noticeable.

Aconite – For Deep Redness of Sclera

Aconitum Napellus, also known as monkshood, is a plant in the ranunculaceae family that is used to make aconite. It is beneficial when the sclera is deeply red and there is watering, itching, or sensitivity to light, as well as discomfort that can be shooting or tearing.

Merc Sol – For Stitching, Cutting Eye Pain

When the sclera is red and there is profuse eye watering, cutting or stitching pain, as well as sensitivity to light and the pain is worse when the eyes are being exerted, Merc Sol is helpful.

For Sensitivity to Light (Photophobia)

Arsenic Album – For Intense Sensitivity to Light

When there is severe sensitivity to light, deep sclera redness, pulsating, throbbing pain that worsens with movement of the eyes, etc., this medication is recommended.

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