Homeopathy Medicine for Tongue Disorder


Sometimes referred to as the “mirror of the stomach,” the tongue is a crucial, highly active, sensitive organ in our body that serves as the start of the digestive tract and the only visible portion. It can play a significant role in identifying a variety of conditions as well as the body’s general health.

The tongue is a flexible muscular organ of the mouth that is used for tasting, moisturizing, licking, kissing, masticating food, swallowing, and, in humans, speech. Its muscles are connected to the lower jaw and to a bone above the larynx. Its rough texture is caused by tiny nodules or papillae that project from its upper surface. Sensory nerves or taste buds are located at the sides and the base of the tongue. The motor nerve is dis

Treatment for tongue disorder using homeopathy

  • Antim Crude-indicates a tongue coating of thick milky white.
  • Antim Tart– Charged with pasty thick white tongue with red papillae and red edges.
  • Apis Mel-Indicated for a tongue that is scorching red, swollen, sore, and raw with vesicles that look varnished
  • Arum Met– Indicated for strawberry Tongue
  • The treatment for strawberry tongue is belladonna.
  • Baptisia-Indicated for a tongue that is white, dry, and cracked, with red papillae and a yellow brown center that later becomes ulcerated.
  • Bryonia-A tongue that is parched and dry, with a red base and a center coating, is indicated.
  • Clean tongue is recommended when using Cina.
  • For a clean tongue, Ipecac is also recommended.
  • Pyrogenum is used to treat large, flabby tongues that are clean, smooth, and appear varnished.
  • Large, mapped, flabby tongues with teeth imprints are indicative of Mercurius.
  • With the first half clean and the posterior covered in deep fur, nux vom is indicated.
  • Nux moschata-The tongue sticking to the soft palate is an indication of dry mouth.
  • Rhus tox is used when the top of the tongue becomes triangular and leaves an imprint on the teeth.
  • Lac can-When the tongue is white with bright red edges, it is indicated.
  • Natrum mur-A diagnosis is made for a mapped tongue with red insular patches that look like ringworm on the sides.
  • Indications for cheledonium include large, flabby tongues that are yellow and have teeth imprints.
  • Taraxacum is recommended for mapped tongue that is covered in a white film and has raw patches.
  • Nitric Acid-A clean, red tongue that is fissured in all directions and has a central furrow is an indication.
  • Fluoric acid is recommended for cracked tongue in all directions.
  • When there is a central red stripe, it is an indication of veratrum viride.
  • When the tongue is covered in a dirty, greenish, gray, or brown coating, use natural sulfur.
  • Kali mur is prescribed for a tongue coating that is greyish white.
  • Baptisia-Supported by a brownish tongue coating

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