Bio India Solidago Virgaurea Mother Tincture 1X (Q) (30ml) : Reduces pain during passing urine, backache, prostatic affection


Bio India Solidago Virgaurea(Mother tincture)

The preparation of the tincture uses whole, fresh plant parts and flowers.

the Golden Red nickname

Causes & Symptoms for Bio India Solidago Virgaurea

  • Prostatic and urinary complaints can benefit from the medication.
  • If a complaint worsens after exposure to pollen or inhaling it, Solidago Virgaurea should be taken.
  • Solidago Virgaurea relieves pain and tenderness in the kidney region as well as pains that radiate from the kidneys to the abdomen, bladder, and down the limbs.


The headache brought on by urinary complaints can be lessened with Solidago Virgaurea.


The medication aids in easing mouth astringency.

This medication helps to alleviate throat issues that are followed by swelling in the lower extremities.


In order to facilitate a good flow of urine excretion, Solidago Virgaurea aids in raising bladder pressure.

The medication aids in easing back pain that had spread to the loins and persisted through bedtime.

The complaints about bad urine are lessened as a result.

complaints of back pain brought on by painful urination and discomfort during urine passage.

Side effects of Bio India Solidago Virgaurea(Mother tincture)

Although there are no such side effects, it is still important to take each medication according to the instructions.

Dosage and rules while taking Bio India Solidago Virgaurea

Three times per day, mix 10 drops with 1/4 cup of water.

We advise you to use medical advice when taking.

Precautions while taking Bio India Solidago Virgaurea

If you take medication, make sure to wait 15 minutes between eating and taking it.

Consult a homeopathic doctor prior to use if you are pregnant or nursing.

Do not consume alcohol or tobacco.

BrandBio-India Pharma
Container TypeBottle
Shelf Life5 Years
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Homeo FormsMother Tincture
Potency1X (Q) / Mother Tincture
Price₹ 290

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