Willmar Schwabe India Magnesium Sulphuricum 3X (20g) : For acne, itching, warts, diabetes, leucorrhoea, irregular menses, swelling


Also known as

Magnesium Sulfurate





75 (gms)


measuring 3.2 by 3.2 by 6.7 centimeters

Willmar Schwabe India Magnesium Sulphuricum 3X

Uses of Willmar Schwabe India Magnesium Sulphuricum 3X

  • Magnesium Sulphuricum works well to relieve the itch from small, violently itchy bumps that cover the entire body.
  • It relieves Erysipelas of his warts.
  • Magnesium Sulphuricum relieves urination-related stitches and burning in the urethral orifice as well as intermittent and dribbling stream.
  • The presence of turbid urine and a large amount of red sediment is a sign that diabetes may be present.
  • Magnesium sulphuricum effectively relieves thick leucorrhoea, which is as abundant as the menses and accompanied by fatigued back and thigh pain.
  • Menstruation that starts too early or is intermittent is helpful when it does so after fourteen days and the discharge is thick, black, and plentiful.

Common symptoms of Willmar Schwabe India Magnesium Sulphuricum 3X

  • Magnesium Sulphuricum relieves frequent eructations, which have an egg-like flavor and cause mouthwatering.
  • It can be identified by violent, bruising-like, and menstrual-like pain in the small of the back.
  • Magnesium sulphuricum provides relief for rheumatic (tearing) limb pain, particularly at night.
  • It is beneficial in cases of severe lassitude, pain throughout the body, trembling, and foot weakness.
  • Magnesium Sulphuricum relieves a strange ill feeling that resembles exhaustion and prostration and is accompanied by dry skin warmth and cramping.


worse after

food, cold, and warm objects in contact.

better from

while moving.

Reactions with Willmar Schwabe India Magnesium Sulphuricum 3X

Since homeopathic medicines do not affect the effects of other medications, such as those from allopathy or ayurveda, it is safe to take the tablets even if you are taking other forms of treatment.

Dosage of Willmar Schwabe India Magnesium Sulphuricum 3X

Dissolve tablets under the tongue after placing them in your mouth.

Twelve-year-olds and older adults should take two tablets, twice daily, or as directed by their doctor.

Under-12s should take 1 tablet twice per day.

Every hour or two in acute cases

A dose of one-half hour is given for extremely painful affections.

One to two doses per day for chronic afflictions.


Always allow 15 minutes between taking your medications and eating.

Consult a homeopathic doctor prior to use if you are pregnant or nursing.

While taking medication, refrain from consuming alcohol or tobacco.

Terms and Conditions

Before purchasing this medication, we have assumed that you sought medical advice and are not using it for self-medication.

BrandDr. Willmar Schwabe India
Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Homeo FormsBiochemic Tablet
Price₹ 125

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