Haslab Livotex Syrup (115ml) : Liver Tonic in Fatty Liver, Improves Digestion, Relieves Constipation


Also known as





component foundation



160 (gms)


Dimensions: 5 x 5 x 12 cm

Livotex Syrup

Indications of Livotex Syrup

  • Jaundice.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Expanded spleen and liver.
  • diminished liver function
  • Biliousness.
  • Indigestion.
  • bolsters resistance to infection
  • Regeneration of parenchymal cells and post-hepatitis sequelae in histology.

Composition of Livotex Syrup

Chelidonium 1x: Gall-colic has a hepatic and gallbladder obstruction-related action in jaundice.

Andrographis Paniculata 1x: It has hepatoprotective and hepatostimulative properties, is adaptogenic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antipyretic, improves immunity, and protects the liver.

Ceanothus 1x: Jaundice that occurs every summer is brought on by consuming too much cider, liver hypertrophy, and liver obstruction in malarious areas.

Carica papaya 1x: White tongue, intolerance to meat and milk, inflamed liver and spleen, fever, dyspepsia, poor digestion, loose, watery stools that are yellow in color, and general weakness are all symptoms.

Clerodendron 1x: loose movements accompanied by stomach pain.

Cina 1x: belly that is hard and bloated.

Lycopodium 1x: For liver swellings (pain in left side), anorexia (quick satiety), and reddish deposits in the urine, use this tonic and functional remedy.

Luffa Bindal 1x: Symptoms of sinusitis and liver disease.

Carduus marinus 1x: This medication restores a normal bile flow, but its effects are concentrated in the liver and portal system, resulting in soreness, pain, and jaundice, as well as a small appetite, gall bladder disease, and an enlarged liver.

Dosage/Directions for use of Livotex Syrup

Adults: Every day, one to two teaspoons.

Children: daily serving size of 1/4–1/2 teaspoon.

Infants: 2 to 3 times per day, 15 to 20 drops in water.

Terms and Conditions

Before purchasing this medication, we have assumed that you sought medical advice and are not using it for self-medication.

Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorSyrup, Tonic
Price₹ 110

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