A lipoma is a slow-growing, fatty lump that typically develops between your skin and the layer of underlying muscle; it feels doughy and typically isn’t tender; and it moves easily with light finger pressure. Lipomas are typically discovered in middle age; some people have multiple lipomas.

Lipomas tend to run in families, so genetic factors probably play a role in their development even though their cause is unknown.

Symptoms–Lipomas are growths that can develop anywhere on the body.

·Situated just under your skin.They frequently manifest themselves in the back, arms, thighs, abdomen, shoulders, and neck.

·Soft and doughy to the touch.Additionally, they are flexible and respond well to light finger pressure.

·Generally small.Although they can expand, lipomas typically have a diameter of less than 2 inches (5 centimeters).

·Sometimes painful.When lipomas enlarge and press on nearby nerves or when they have a large number of blood vessels, they may be uncomfortable.

Less frequently, some lipomas may be larger and deeper than typical ones.

Risk factors

Your likelihood of getting a lipoma may be impacted by a number of factors, such as:

Being between 40 and 60 years old.Lipomas can develop at any age, but this is the age range where they tend to occur most frequently.

Genetics.A family history of lipomas is common.


There are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy for the treatment of lipoma, but the choice is patient-specific and takes into account the patient’s mental and physical well-being. Homoeopathy is currently a rapidly expanding system that is used throughout the world.

In some cases, long-term constipation and acidity may be related to lipoma. **CALCAREA CARB 200—**Calcarea carb is one of the best treatments for lipoma.

SULPHUR 200-Sulphur is a fantastic constitutional medicine for the treatment of lipoma. Patients with sulfur experience intense heat sensations throughout their bodies, which may be more pronounced in the palms, soles, and head. Their skin appears dirty and dry, and there is a history of skin complaints. They also have a strong aversion to bathing and a sweet tooth.

BELLADONNA 200When a lipoma is painful, belladonna is recommended because touching the lump may make it worse.

THUJA OCCIDENTALIS 200When a person with lipoma has high cholesterol levels, thuja is prescribed because of its potent ability to dissolve fatty deposits.

BARYTA CARB. 200-Another effective treatment for lipoma is baryta carb, which is appropriate for people who are intellectually and physically disadvantaged, are dwarfish, easily become cold-sensitive, have offensive foot sweat, are weak and fatigued, and must sit, lie down, or lean against something.

In contrast to stony hardness, elasticity and pliability are preferable qualities for apis albus when treating lipoma.

CALCAREA FLOUR 30When the condition is of stony hardness, calerea flour is advised.


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