Homeopathy Medicine for Bipolar Mood Disorder


Mood, energy, and activity levels will fluctuate in a person with bipolar disorder, which can make day-to-day life challenging.

With the right care and assistance, many people with bipolar disorder lead fulfilling lives.

Males and females are equally affected, and the average age of diagnosis is around 25, though symptoms can start in adolescence or later in life.

Fast-paced “highs” and “lows” are common in people with bipolar disorder.

Changes in energy levels, sleep patterns, ability to focus, and other features can have a profound effect on a person’s behavior, work, relationships, and other aspects of life. The National Institute of Mental Health describes the primary symptoms of bipolar disorder as alternating episodes of high and low mood.

Although mood swings are a common occurrence for most people, those associated with bipolar disorder are more severe and may also involve other symptoms. Some people experience psychosis, which can include delusions, hallucinations, and paranoia.

If the person is adhering to a treatment plan, their mood may remain stable between episodes for months or even years.

However, when treatment makes a person feel better, they may stop taking their medication, which can cause the symptoms to return. Treatment allows many people with bipolar disorder to work, study, and live a full and productive life.

A person with bipolar disorder may experience some positive symptoms, such as increased sociability, talkativeness, and creativity when their mood is high.

An elevated mood is unlikely to last, but even if it does, it may be challenging to maintain focus or follow through with plans, which can make it challenging to see a project through to completion.


The symptoms of bipolar disorder vary from person to person, according to the International Bipolar Association. For some, an episode can last for several months or years. For others, “highs” and “lows” may be felt simultaneously or quickly one after the other.

Four or more episodes in a year are typical for people with “rapid cycling” bipolar disorder.

Mania or hypomania

Mania is more severe than hypomania; both are manic states of elevated mood.

Symptoms can include:

  • impaired judgment
  • feeing wired
  • Despite little sleep, I do not feel exhausted.
  • a feeling of disinterest or boredom
  • missing work or school
  • poor academic or professional performance
  • having unlimited abilities
  • being outgoing and friendly, occasionally in an aggressive way.
  • engaging in risky behavior
  • increased libido
  • feeling exhilarated or euphoric
  • possessing a high sense of one’s own importance, self-worth, and confidence
  • speaking quickly and incessantly
  • Changing the subject of the conversation frequently
  • having “racing” thoughts that flash through quickly and bizarre ideas that they might act upon
  • denying or failing to acknowledge that there is a problem

Some bipolar disorder sufferers may engage in risky and inappropriate activities, spend a lot of money, use recreational drugs, and drink alcohol.

Depressive symptoms

A bipolar depressive episode can cause the following symptoms:

  • a sense of doom, hopelessness, and despair
  • extreme sadness
  • insomnia and sleeping problems
  • anxiety about minor issues
  • non-responsive physical discomfort or issues
  • guilt—possibly unwarranted—that you feel
  • consuming more food or less
  • losing or gaining weight
  • I’m so exhausted, so drained, so listless.
  • an inability to take pleasure in usual enjoyable pursuits
  • difficulty focusing and remembering
  • irritability
  • a heightened sense of smell, sound, and other senses that other people might not be able to detect
  • a lack of motivation that could result in poor performance at work or school

In extreme situations, the person might consider killing themselves and actually do it.

Suicide prevention

  • “Are you thinking about taking your own life?”
  • Don’t pass judgment; just listen.
  • As soon as help is on the way, stay by the person.
  • Eliminate any objects that could be dangerous, such as weapons, medicines, or other items.


A person may experience psychosis if a “high” or “low” episode is very intense and they have trouble telling fantasy from reality.


Bipolar disorder can be classified into one of three categories.

Bipolar I disorder

Bipolar I disorder is diagnosed as:

  • At least one manic episode must have taken place in the person.
  • There could have been a major depressive episode in the past.
  • Other illnesses like schizophrenia and delusional disorder must be ruled out by the doctor.

Bipolar II disorder

Periods of hypomania are present in bipolar II disorder, but depression frequently predominates.

Bipolar II disorder requires the following symptoms for a diagnosis:

  • a depressive episode or episodes
  • a minimum of one episode of hypomania
  • No other condition to account for the mood swings

The mood of a person with hypomania won’t be stable, even though they may feel good and function normally, and there is a chance that depression will follow.


The National Health Service (NHS) in the UK notes that cyclothymia shares characteristics with bipolar disorder, but according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the hypomania and depression are milder.


Bipolar disorder will be identified by a medical professional using the criteria in theDSM-5.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a person must have experienced symptoms for at least 7 days, or less if they required hospitalization, and may also have experienced a depressive episode for at least 2 weeks in order to be diagnosed with bipolar I disorder.

A minimum of one cycle of hypomania and depression must have occurred for someone to be diagnosed with bipolar II.

To help rule out other causes, a doctor may perform a physical examination along with a few diagnostic tests, such as blood and urine tests.

The following issues may also arise from bipolar disorder:

  • drinking or using drugs to treat symptoms
  • post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • anxiety disorder
  • attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)


With treatment, the person’s mood is stabilized, symptoms are less severe, and the person is better able to function in daily life.

There are several different therapies used in treatment, such as:

  • medication
  • counseling
  • physical intervention
  • lifestyle remedies

Psychotherapy and counseling

Psychotherapy can help a person with bipolar disorder manage their symptoms and condition.

The person can learn the following through cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) and other methods:

  • Recognize and take action to control major triggers, like stress
  • Take action to manage an episode by recognizing its early signs.
  • As much as you can, work on things that will keep your mood stable.
  • get family, friends, and coworkers involved in helping

A doctor may suggest family therapy for children and teens with bipolar disorder as a way to help them maintain healthy relationships at home and at school.

Lifestyle remedies

The following actions in one’s lifestyle can support symptom management and mood stabilization:

  • maintaining a regular routine
  • taking part in a balanced, healthy diet
  • establishing a regular sleeping schedule and taking precautions to avoid sleep disruption
  • getting regular exercise

Some people use supplements, but it’s important to talk to your doctor first because some complementary treatments may interact with medications for bipolar disorder and worsen symptoms.


Homeopathic medicine helps in stabilizing mood, reducing the tantrums in intensity and frequency as well. The patient becomes more communicative, the need for E.C.T./antidepressant/anti psychotic medicine reduces, and excitability comes down. At Life Force, Dr. Shah is treating several patients with bipolar disorder, and most of the patients have had a good improvement.

Patients who have been taking strong antidepressants for longer than two years are not good candidates for homeopathic treatment, it should be noted.

Ignatia Amara: Homeopathic medicine for bipolar disorder in depressive phase

A history of grief, disappointments, loss of loved ones or broken relationships is said to be at the root of such cases. Ignatia Amara is a homeopathic medicine used for the depressive phase of bipolar disorder. People who need prescription for Ignatia Amara experience episodes of sadness, hopelessness, unhappiness, and weepiness. Other symptoms include a desire for loneliness, brooding in solitude, and getting offended easily.

Lachesis Muta and Veratrum Album: Best Homeopathic medicine for bipolar disorder in manic phase

The symptoms of Lachesis Muta include increased mental activity, excitement, irritability, restlessness, violent behavior, the need to complete tasks quickly, and loud bursts of anger. Other symptoms include excessive talkativeness, manic tendencies toward work and shopping. Lachesis Muta and Veratrum Album are effective homeopathic medications for bipolar disorder in its manic phase.

Aurum Metallicum: Homeopathic medicine for bipolar disorder with extreme hopelessness and suicidal thoughts

Homeopathic medicine Aurum Metallicum is a great treatment for bipolar disorder, a condition characterized by extreme hopelessness and suicidal thoughts as one of its main symptoms.

Staphysagria: Wonderful Homeopathic medicine for bipolar disorder with sudden bursts of anger

Poor self-confidence, self-pity, reproaching oneself, getting offended easily, and feelings of worthlessness are seen in people with bipolar disorder who experience sudden bursts of anger and who are likely to throw or break things during these episodes. Case analysis will reveal a history of some sort of humiliation, guilt, or abuse.

Medorrhinum: Top Homeopathic medicine for bipolar disorder with severe mood swings

Hurriedness, anxiety, restlessness, impatience, and abruptness are some other guiding symptoms for its prescription, along with rudeness, excitement, and high sex drive. These are typically followed by a depressive phase, where symptoms like sadness, gloominess, tearfulness, and hopelessness are seen.e.t.c. Medorrhinum is the most effective, natural, and safe homeopathic medicine for bipolar disorder with extreme mood changes.

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