Crocus sativus Linn is its scientific name.

FAMILY: Iridaceae

COMMON NAMES include Saffron in English, Kesar and Zafran in Hindi, Kunkumappu in Malayalam, Kunkumappu in Tamil, and Kunkuma-puvva in Telegu.

A perennial, low-growing, bulbous plant, the perianth is a pale reddish-purple color and forms a cylindrical tube about 10 cm long, ending in six oblong-oval segments. The corm is globular, producing 6-9 sessile leaves, and the lower portion of the corm is surrounded by 4-5 broad membranous scales.

India is dispersed throughout Kashmir, Asia, and southern Europe.

Used component: dried flower stigma.


A changeable disposition. Vacillating moods. Happy and affectionate, then angry. Sings on hearing a single note sung. Jumping, dancing, laughing, whistling, and wanting to kiss everyone. Hysteria with laughing mania. Rapidly or alternating mental disposition, opposite to each other. Anger with violence rapidly, followed by abject repentance, laughter quickly followed by tears.

NOSEBLEED: Young girls’ nosebleeds during puberty are characterized by bleeding from the nose, strings of dark blood hanging down the nose, and dizziness and cold sweat on the forehead.

THREATENED ABORTION: A threatened abortion is one in which the fetus is moving violently and painfully.

MENORRHAGE: Hemorrhage is worsened during the first two to three days of a regular menstrual flow. Menstrual blood is heavy, clotted with long strings, and worse with little movement.

MENOPAUSE: During the climacteric, a headache that pulses and throbs.

OBSTACLES CONSTIPATION: Portal stagnation-related obstructions in bowel movement.

CANCER: Large intestine cancer, with stitches and bleeding in the anus that is a dark, black color.

POTENCY: Mother tincture, 30 potency.

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