Homeopathy Medicine for Cerebrovascular Accidents


There are crucial symptoms of a stroke that one should be aware of and on the lookout for. It is the medical term for a stroke, which occurs when blood flow to a portion of our brain is cut off by a blockage or a blood vessel rupture.

The sooner you receive treatment, the better your prognosis is because a stroke that is not treated for a long enough period of time can cause permanent brain damage. Anyone who suspects they are having a stroke should seek medical attention right away.

Prevention of Cerebrovascular Disease

  • Maintain normal blood pressure.
  • Reduce your intake of cholesterol and saturated fat.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption and don’t smoke.
  • Control diabetes.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Get regular exercise.
  • Consume a lot of fruits and vegetables.

Complication of Cerebrovascular Disease

Speaking, swallowing, moving, and thinking difficulties are common post-stroke complications, but they can get better weeks, months, or even years later.

Homeopathic Treatment of Cerebrovascular Disease

CROTALUS HORRIDUS 30 :-Very helpful medication for stroke paralysis, especially on the right side. Indicated when lower limbs fall asleep easily with trembling and swollen legs. Beneficial for that patient is talkative with a desire to flee. There is muttering, muttering, jumbles, and stumbles over his words, tremens.

CAUSTICUM 200 :-It is indicated for the paralysis of the muscles used for speech, the paralysis of the bladder, the rectum, and the extremities. There is numbness in the hands and feet. It is most effective for right-sided paralysis.

BARYTA CARBONICUM 30 :-It is indicated for both physical and mental weakness and fatigue following a stroke, as well as for the symptoms of senile dementia, which include increasing weakness and difficulty concentrating, shyness toward strangers with childish behavior, and a propensity to catch colds easily.

GINKO BILOBA Q :-Another treatment for preventing strokes is ginko biloba, which is also a good blood thinner and is useful in enhancing brain blood flow and treating memory loss brought on by poor blood flow.

ALLIUM SATIVA Q :-It is a useful cardiac tonic, thins the blood, improves circulation, treats cardiac disease, lowers blood pressure, lowers blood fat levels, and is thought to prevent stroke.


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