Homeopathy Medicine for Birth Control


Also known as family planning, pregnancy prevention, fertility control, or contraception, birth control refers to the use of any procedures, techniques, or tools to prevent pregnancy in a sexually active woman. Birth control procedures either aim to prevent fertilization of an egg or the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus.

Birth control is the practice of avoiding pregnancy or conception through the use of various tools, substances, practices, or surgical methods.

Both men and women can use a variety of contraceptive methods and treatments to help avoid getting pregnant.

How carefully a method is applied often determines how well it works, with some methods being more trustworthy than others.

Fast facts about birth control

  • People can choose when to start a family with the aid of birth control.
  • There are numerous options, including various barrier types, medications, and age-old techniques that don’t require any additional resources.
  • The degree of care taken in applying the method determines its effectiveness in different situations.
  • The only device that can prevent STIs is a male condom.

Natural methods

There are no devices or medications used in conventional birth control.

There are numerous contraceptive options.

AbstinenceAvoiding sexual activity is known as celibacy or sexual abstinence.

WithdrawalThe act of removing the penis from the vagina to have ejaculation occur outside of the vagina is also referred to as coitus interruptus, and it is done in order to, in theory, stop sperm from being deposited in the vagina.


Barrier devices, which may also include spermicide, which kills the sperm, prevent the sperm from contacting the egg.

Male condom

A male condom, which is placed over the penis before sexual contact begins and acts as a barrier to prevent pregnancy by preventing sperm from entering the vagina, is typically made of polyurethane or latex.

Additionally, it can aid in the halting of the spread of STIs.

Female condom

A flexible ring is attached to each end of the female condom, also known as a femidom, which is made of polyurethane. One ring is fixed behind the pubic bone to keep the condom in place, and the other ring remains outside the vagina.

Before sexual activity, spermicides, which chemically kill sperm, can be injected into the vagina. They can be used on their own or in conjunction with a physical barrier.


An applicator is used to inject foam into the vagina, which acts as a spermicide to kill male sperm and the contraceptive sponge as a barrier to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg. The contraceptive sponge has a depression to hold it in place over the cervix.

The diaphragm

When using spermicide, the diaphragm barrier method works best.

In order to cover the cervix, a diaphragm is a dome-shaped, rubber device that is inserted into the vagina.

The device has a firm but flexible ring that aids in pressing against the vaginal walls, and it is designed to fit behind the woman’s pubic bone.

Cervical cap

The cervical cap, which should be about one-third filled with spermicide before insertion, is a thimble-shaped, latex rubber barrier device that fits over the cervix and prevents sperm from entering the uterus.


Depo-Provera, also known as the Depo shot or DMPA, is a long-acting, reversible, progestin-only birth control injection commonly referred to as “the shot.”

It works by preventing the woman from releasing an egg, and is administered as a shot every three months at the doctor’s office.

The intrauterine device (IUD)

A medical professional inserts an intrauterine device (IUD), also known as a coil, into the uterus. It is a small, flexible T-shaped device.

The sperm are killed by toxins released by copper IUDs.

There are two types:

A copper IUDIt can last up to 10 years, releases copper, which has spermicide properties.

A hormonal IUDcontains progestin, which thickens cervical mucus and thins the uterine wall in order to stop sperm from reaching the egg and fertilizing it.

If pregnancy is not wanted, it remains in place.

Contraceptive pill

The daily dose of the combined contraceptive pill prevents ovulation by blocking the release of the egg, or progestin and estrogen, and thins the uterine lining.

Contraceptive patch

It releases synthetic progestin and estrogen through a transdermal patch that is placed on the skin.

The patch is typically worn on the lower abdomen or buttocks every week for three consecutive weeks; no patch is worn during the fourth week to accommodate menstruation.

Vaginal ring

The flexible, plastic contraceptive vaginal ring thickens the cervical mucus so that sperm cannot easily move and prevents ovulation by releasing a low dose of progestin and estrogen over the course of three weeks.

In order to have a menstrual period, the woman places the ring in her vagina for three weeks, then takes it out for one.

The combined hormonal contraceptive vaginal ring is also known by the brand name NuvaRing, which is used by Organon to market its products.

The implant

The skin of a woman’s upper arm is used to insert an implant, which is a rod with a progestin core that releases progesterone gradually.

Even though the implant has a maximum four-year shelf life, it can be removed whenever you want, which would allow for pregnancy.

Emergency “morning after” contraception

The “morning-after pill” or emergency contraceptive pills can stop ovulation, fertilization, or embryo implantation to prevent pregnancy after sexual activity.

Unlike medical methods of abortion, which act after the egg has already been implanted in the womb, it does not act before that happens.

Up to 72 hours after unprotected sex, emergency contraception can be used.

Only when other methods of contraception are ineffective should emergency measures be used.

Given that the egg may have already undergone fertilization, some people consider it to be a form of abortion.

Permanent contraception

A method of sterilization that is permanent is sterilization.

In females

Tubal ligationThe fallopian tubes will be sealed and future fertilization will be prevented by the surgeon using a combination of cutting, blocking, or burning techniques.

Tubal implantIt can take up to three months for the coil to start blocking the female’s fallopian tubes after it is inserted.

In males

Vasectomy:The sperm tubes that enter the ejaculate are cut or blocked during this procedure to render a man sterile.

Even though it is occasionally reversible, there will likely be an increased amount of abnormal sperm, which could reduce fertility or cause birth defects.

Disease protection

Some methods, like the male condom, can also lower the risk of an STI, making contraception a potent tool for preventing unintended pregnancies. However, it must be used properly to have these benefits.

Combining two methods, such as the pill and a condom, offers additional protection and some STI protection, but no birth control method is 100% effective.

It’s crucial to use birth control responsibly and to be informed.


NATRUM MUR200:Following the cessation of menstruation, an oral contraceptive is used in three doses of 1-2 drops per day on the first, second, and third days to reduce the likelihood of pregnancy for a month.

PULSATILA200 :It also provides protection against pregnancy for the following month when taken in three doses, one to two drops per day on the three days prior to the start of menstruation.

The best way to ovoid pregnancy is to ovoid the combination of the ovam and sperm, this can be done by man by using a latex condom during intercourse or the women who use cervical cap with a spermicidal gel on it, which blocks the entry of the sperm into the cervical canal.

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