Homeopathy Medicine for Cholera


The bacterial disease cholera, which causes severe diarrhea and dehydration, is typically spread through tainted water.


  • Cholera-related diarrhea frequently appears pale, milky, and resembles water that has been used to rinse rice. Cholera-related diarrhea develops suddenly and can quickly result in dangerous fluid loss.

  • Vomiting, which can last for hours, is a common symptom of cholera, especially in its early stages.

  • Dehydration ranges from mild to severe, and it can appear hours after the onset of cholera symptoms. Severe dehydration is indicated by a loss of 10% or more of body weight.

    Dehydration due to cholera can cause irritability, fatigue, sunken eyes, a dry mouth, intense thirst, dry, shriveled skin that takes a long time to recover after being pinched, little to no urination, low blood pressure, and irregular heartbeats.

Electrolyte imbalance is the term used to describe how quickly dehydration can cause the blood minerals that keep the fluid balance in your body to be lost.

  • Muscle cramps.These are brought on by the quick loss of salts like potassium, sodium, and chloride.
  • Shock.One of the most dangerous side effects of dehydration, severe hypovolemic shock can result in death within minutes if left untreated because low blood volume lowers blood pressure and reduces oxygen levels in the body.


Cholera is an infection brought on by the Vibrio cholerae bacteria.

Cholera is primarily contracted through contaminated water sources, which the bacteria can be found in:

  • Surface or well water-Large-scale cholera outbreaks frequently originate from contaminated public wells, putting at risk those who live in crowded quarters without adequate sanitation.
  • Consuming seafood that is raw or undercooked, particularly shellfish from specific regions, puts you at risk of contracting cholera.
  • Raw fruits and vegetables-In cholera-endemic regions, uncomposted manure fertilizers or irrigation water containing raw sewage can contaminate produce in the field. In developing countries, raw, unpeeled fruits and vegetables are a frequent source of cholera infection.
  • Grains-After being cooked, contaminated grains like rice and millet can harbor cholera bacteria for several hours at room temperature in areas where the disease is common.


Among the cholera risk factors are:

  • Poor sanitary conditions.Refugee camps, impoverished nations, and areas affected by famine, war, or natural disasters are common places where cholera is more likely to flourish in conditions where it is difficult to maintain a sanitary environment, including a safe water supply.
  • Type O blood.People with type O blood have a double the risk of contracting cholera compared to those with other blood types, for unknown reasons.


The worst cholera complications are shock and severe dehydration, but there can also be other issues, like:

  • Children are most at risk of this complication, which can result in seizures, unconsciousness, and even death. **Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)**Dangerous low levels of blood sugar (glucose), the body’s primary energy source, can occur when people become too ill to eat.
  • Low potassium levels can be life-threatening because they interfere with heart and nerve function and are caused by the large amounts of minerals that cholera patients lose in their stools, including potassium.
  • Kidney failure-Kidney failure is frequently accompanied by shock in cholera patients and results in an accumulation of wastes, excess fluids, some electrolytes, and some electrolytes in the body.


If we take the following precautions while visiting areas where cholera is a known threat, our risk of getting sick from the disease is very low.

  • Hands wash with soap and water frequently-If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Rub soapy, wet hands together for at least 15 seconds before rinsing, especially after using the restroom and before handling food.

  • Water that has been boiled or bottled is the only water you should consume.

    Drinks that are hot or in a can or bottle are generally safe, but make sure to clean the outside before opening.

  • Eat completely food

  • Stick to fruits and vegetables that you can peel yourself,Avoid salads and fruits that can’t be peeled, like grapes and berries, as well as foods like bananas, oranges, and avocados.


IPECAC :When there is no thirst, only a clean tongue, and watery stools, a very helpful medicine for cholera with persistent nausea should be administered.

CAMPHORA :When the patient experiences cramps in the claves, rumbling, and cutting abdominal pain that is followed by cold, clammy sweat that occurs on occasion, this medicine is very helpful for cholera.

CROTON TIG :Useful for Colic before passing stool, extreme weakness, nausea, a cold body, and dizziness may also be present with the foregoing symptoms of cholera. Given when stool is watery, yellowish or dirty greenish and profuse. There is a costat urge to pass stool with marked urgency.

PODOPHYLLUM :Given when stool is yellow-greenish, watery, gushing, and offensive but does not cause any abdominal pain. There is usually foetid flatus, gurgling in the bowels followed by copious evacuation, and vomiting of hot, frothy matter is present. This medicine is useful for cholera with painless diarrhea.


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