Homeopathy Medicine for Chronic Lyme Disease


Chronic Lyme disease, also known as post-Lyme disease syndrome or post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome, develops when a person who has received antibiotic therapy for the illness still experiences symptoms.

Most people’s symptoms, which can include fatigue, joint or muscle aches, and cognitive dysfunction and may last up to six months or longer, go away after they finish treatment. However, 10 to 20 percent of people who are treated with the recommended antibiotics will experience disease symptoms that persist after they finish treatment.

According to the Columbia University Medical Center, doctors should treat cases on an individual basis, using a person’s specific symptoms and medical history, as well as the most recent research, to guide treatment. It is unclear why some people develop post-treatment Lyme disease syndrome and others do not, and it is also unclear what exactly causes the chronic symptoms.


An infection brought on by bacteria that results in Lyme diseaseBorrelia burgdorferiBlack-legged ticks and deer ticks are the main vectors for the spread of this illness.

Antibiotics are usually effective in treating Lyme disease, and the majority of patients make a full recovery after treatment.


Open pop-up dialog box Lyme disease rash

There are many different Lyme disease symptoms, which typically manifest in stages but can occasionally overlap.

Early signs and symptoms

When a tick is bitten or removed, a small, red bump that resembles the bump from a mosquito bite frequently develops and goes away over a few days. This common occurrence does not signify Lyme disease.

But a month after infection, these symptoms and signs could appear:

  • Rash.An expanding red area (erythema migrans), which can spread to 12 inches (30 centimeters) in diameter and sometimes clears in the center, may appear three to thirty days after an infected tick bite. It is typically not itchy or painful, but may feel warm to the touch.

    Although not everyone with Lyme disease develops the rash, which can appear in multiple locations on the body, erythema migrans is one of the telltale signs of the illness.

  • Other symptoms.The rash may be accompanied by fever, chills, fatigue, body aches, headaches, stiff neck, and swollen lymph nodes.

Later signs and symptoms

If left unattended, additional Lyme disease symptoms, such as those listed below, could develop over the coming weeks or months.

  • Erythema migrans.Other parts of your body may experience the rash as well.
  • Joint pain.Your knees are particularly susceptible to episodes of excruciating joint pain and swelling, though the discomfort can move between different joints.
  • Neurological problems.You may experience numbness or weakness in your limbs, meningitis, Bell’s palsy, and impaired muscle movement weeks, months, or even years after infection. You may also experience temporary facial paralysis on one side.

Less common signs and symptoms

Some individuals experience: several weeks following infection.

  • Heart issues, such as a fast or slow heartbeat
  • Eye inflammation
  • Liver inflammation (hepatitis)
  • Severe fatigue


Arsenicum Album

Useful when there is a sudden loss of strength during the second stage of Lyme disease. There is tearing pain in the limbs that worsens at night and while the person is at rest after exertion. Lyme disease with weakness and body fatigue with extreme restlessness.

Ledum Palustre

Useful for treating lyme disease after insect stings, including tick bites. The area of the tick bite feels cold to the touch and there is a twitching sensation around the skin rash.

Rhus Toxicodendron

In some cases of Lyme disease, this remedy is helpful for joint issues in the elbows and ankles. There is a tingling sensation in the feet and other parts of the body. There is stiffness and painful swelling of the knee joint, which is made better by warmth.


Very effective medication for lyme disease-related migraines. Helpful for headaches that are pulsating and throbbing in nature, with a sense of extreme fullness in the head. Useful when cold air or a head bath with cold water aggravates (intensifies) the migraine, and when applying firm pressure to the head relieves the pain.

Kali Phosphoricum

Useful for low, nervous conditions with sensitivity and Lyme disease, which is characterized by mental exhaustion from overwork, dullness of mind, memory loss, lack of interest in speaking, and forgetfulness.

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