Hapro Cough Cure Syrup (500ml) : Provides prompt symptomatic relief from both productive and dry cough. Useful in the treatment of bronchitis. Complete antitussive. Proven expectorant. Demulcent action soothens respiratory passage.


Also known as

cold medicine



565 (gms)


17 x 7 x 7 millimeters

Hapro Cough Cure Syrup

for the calming relief of a bothersome, persistent cough, for a cold and cough, and for allergic asthma.

Indications of Hapro Cough Cure Syrup

  • combats suffocating and spasmodic cough
  • decreases throat pain, soreness, and mucous membrane secretions, as well as those sensations
  • controls the dry, teasing cough that causes the throat to constantly tickle.
  • prevents vomiting and nausea brought on by a fitful cough
  • neither drowsiness nor the development of addiction

Action of Ingredients in Hapro Cough Cure Syrup

Justicia adhatoda Q 2%: Highly effective medication for suffocative attacks with obstruction to breathing and acute catarrhal respiratory conditions.

Ipecacuanha 1x 1%: Along with persistent sneezing, coryza, a wheezing cough, an uncontrollable urge to throw up, and dyspnea, which is a constant tightening of the throat, coughing is often accompanied by persistent nausea and vomiting.

Antimonium tartaricum 6x 0.5%: Cough triggered by eating, with pain in the chest and larynx. Coarse, rattling with wet sounding cough, but scanty, difficult expectoration, unable to get it out. Cough followed by vomiting or sleep. Coughing and gasping consecutively.

Zingiber relieves Cough which is dry, hacking; copious morning sputa.: Dry, hacking cough and a lot of morning sputum are relieved by zingiber.

Ocimum sanctum: Ocimum is helpful in resolving complaints of cough and sore throat that are accompanied by fever, cold, and cough.

Embelica Officinalis is useful in cough, hiccough, asthma, difficulty in breathing.: In cases of cough, hiccough, asthma, and breathing difficulties, Embelica Officinalis is helpful.

How much Hapro Cough Cure Syrup to take

a teaspoon for a child

2 teaspoons for adults

or as prescribed by a doctor, administered four times daily with lukewarm water.

Terms and Conditions

The effectiveness of homeopathic remedies varies depending on the conditions and should be used based on symptom similarity.

Remedy TypeHomeopathic
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorSyrup
Price₹ 255

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