Homeopathic Remedies for Hordeolum, Stye


Hordeolum, Stye

There are small pimples, inflammatory in nature, on the margins of eyelids. Weak health and exposure to cold are the common causes.


Pulsatilla 6-30 is the best medicine; this failing, try Hepar Sulphur 6. If repeated styes appear or the healed ones become hardened. Try-Sulphur 30 or Staphysagria 6. Hordeolum of upper lid requires—Merc. 6, Sulphur 30, Causticum 6, Alumina 6, If of lower lid, Staphysagria 6, Phosphorus 6, Rhus Tox. 6. If they form in one comer of the eye, Lyco. 12 or Stannum 6. If they mature (form pus), Hepar 6, Merc. Sol. 6. Hot poultices should be frequently applied and when cured a little ghee is to be applied.

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