
Babies with colic frequently cry for more than three hours per day, three days per week, for three weeks or longer, and nothing you do to try to comfort your baby during these episodes seems to help. Colic is a frustrating condition marked by predictable periods of significant distress in an otherwise well-fed, healthy baby.

Take heart, though, because colic is typically only present for a few weeks or months. When it does, you’ll have successfully overcome one of the first significant difficulties of parenthood.

Causes-Researchers have looked into a number of potential causes of colic, including allergies, lactose intolerance, changes in the typical bacteria found in the digestive system, a digestive system that isn’t fully developed, anxious parents, and differences in the way a baby is fed or comforted, but it’s still unclear why some babies experience colic and others do not.

Symptoms-While crying and fussing are common infant behaviors, colic is a condition that can occur in otherwise healthy, well-fed babies.

Predictable crying episodes.Colic episodes can last anywhere from a few minutes to three hours or more on any given day, and your baby may have a bowel movement or pass gas near the end of the episode. A baby who has colic frequently cries around the same time every day, typically in the late afternoon or evening.

Intense or inconsolable crying.Your baby may flush, cry a lot, sound distressed, and often in a high pitch when they are having a colic, and they are very hard, if not impossible, to comfort.

Crying that occurs for no apparent reason.When a baby cries, it’s common for them to need something, like food or a change of clothes. Colic-related crying, however, has no apparent cause.

Posture changes.Colic episodes are frequently accompanied by curled-up legs, clenched fists, and tense abdominal muscles.

The majority of babies with colic have made progress by the time they are 4 to 5 months old. Colic is a common condition that typically begins a few weeks after birth and often gets better by the time they are 3 months old.


CHAMOMILLA 30-When the colic is abrupt in nature, starting and ending suddenly, the child is twisted from pain, and the legs are drawn towards the abdomen, chamomilla is recommended as a treatment. Chamomilla is appropriate in cases where the root of the condition typically lies in anger articulated by the child. Many mothers report that emotions like violent anger are followed by sudden colic complaints by the child.

In cases of colic caused by gas accumulation or undigested food, colocynthis works wonders. For patients who complain of colic after having fruits that were unripe, colocynthis provides relief from the pain. In cases of colic caused by summer dysentery, colocynthis is a sure-shot solution. Some mothers complain that their child suffers from colic.

CATERIA NEP 30– A treatment for infantile colc that is specific

MAGNESIA PHOS 1000– A flatulent colic that makes the patient bend over backwards is improved by warmth, rubbing, and pressure

NUX VOMICA 30– Constipation and indigestion-related colic

DIOSCOREA 30-Dioscorea is prescribed when the pain is of the continuous type and is present constantly. It is also an effective homeopathic treatment for colic and abdominal pains, particularly when the pain is in the umbilical region and the child bends backward to get some relief.

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