
The two spongy organs in your chest that absorb oxygen when you breathe in and exhale carbon dioxide are known as your lungs, and lung cancer is a type of cancer that starts there.

More people die from lung cancer every year than from colon, prostate, ovarian, or breast cancers put together in the United States, where it is the most common cancer among both men and women.

Lung cancer is most common in smokers, and your risk of getting it decreases the longer you stop smoking and the more cigarettes you smoke.

CausesLung cancer can occur in people who have never smoked or who have never had prolonged exposure to secondhand smoke, and in these cases there may not be a clear cause. Smoking causes the majority of lung cancers, both in smokers and in people exposed to secondhand smoke.

Symptoms–In the early stages of the disease, lung cancer typically does not present with signs or symptoms; instead, these manifestations usually happen when the disease has progressed.

Lung cancer signs and symptoms may include: A new cough that won’t go away; changes in a chronic cough or “smoker’s cough”; coughing up blood, even a little bit; shortness of breath; chest pain; wheezing; hoarseness; loss of weight without trying; pain in the bones; headache.


It is important to keep in mind that homoeopathy treats the entire person, not just the illness.

GERANIUM MACULATUM Q– In the event that cancer-related lung bleeding causes vomiting of blood, administer 20 drops hourly until the bleeding stops.

PHOSPHORUS 200– Sputum that is rusty, blood-colored, or mucus-filled; streaks of blood in lung mucus

ARSENICUM ALB 200– Cough that gets worse after midnight and when lying on one’s back. Expiration that is scanty and foamy. Darting pain through the upper third of the right lung.

BADIAGA 6—Cough; mucus flies from the mouth and nostrils; worse in the afternoon; better in a warm room.

CALADIUM 3– The patient is afraid to go to sleep due to a constricting of the larynx, difficulty breathing, and asthmatic breathing.

CONIUM MACULATUM 200– Oppressed breathing, chest pain, and constriction of the chest. A dry, nearly constant, hacking cough that gets worse at night and in the evening.

HIPPOZAENIUM 30– Lung cancer with hoarseness, a feeling of being choked, a lot of mucus being secreted when coughing, and noisy, irregular breathing

MILLIFOLIUM 200–fresh blood coughing

SILICEA 200– Violent cough and thick, lumpy yellow mucus

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