
A person with schizophrenia may have trouble telling the difference between what is real and what is imagined, may be withdrawn or unresponsive, and may find it difficult to express normal emotions in social settings. Schizophrenia is a serious disorder that affects how a person thinks, feels, and behaves.

Contrary to popular belief, schizophrenia is not split personality or multiple personality, the vast majority of those who have it are not violent and do not pose a threat to others, it is not brought on by traumatic experiences in childhood, ineffective parenting, or a lack of willpower, and not everyone who has it experiences the same symptoms.

Types of schizophrenia-

Paranoid schizophrenia— a person has intense feelings of suspicion, persecution, grandiosity, or a combination of these feelings.

Disorganized schizophrenia— a person frequently speaks and thinks erratically, but they might not be delusional.

Catatonic schizophrenia— a person often assumes incredibly odd body positions and is reclusive, mute, and negative.

Residual schizophrenia— despite no longer having hallucinations or delusions, a person lacks motivation or interest in life.

Schizoaffective disorder–a person exhibits signs of major mood disorders like depression as well as schizophrenia.

Causes–There are many theories as to why schizophrenia develops, including those involving genetics (heredity), biology (the imbalance in brain chemistry), and/or potential viral infections and immune disorders.

Genetics (Heredity).Schizophrenia can be brought on by environmental factors like viral infections, extremely stressful situations, or a combination of both, according to scientists, who also recognize that the disorder tends to run in families and that a person inherits a tendency to develop the disease.

Schizophrenia manifests during periods of physical and hormonal change in the body, such as those that take place during puberty in adolescence, like some other genetically based illnesses.

Chemistry.People with schizophrenia have an imbalance of the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine, which allow nerve cells in the brain to communicate with each other. This imbalance affects how a person’s brain reacts to stimuli, which explains why a person with schizophrenia may be overwhelmed by sensory information (loud music or bright lights, for example).

Early warning signs of schizophrenia include the following behaviors: Hearing or seeing things that aren’t there. Constantly feeling watched. Speaking or writing in an odd or absurd manner. Posing strangely. Feeling indifferent to very important situations. Deteriorating academic or professional performance. A change in personal hygiene and appearance. A change in personality. Increasing withdrawal from social situations. Irrational, angry, or fearful responses.

When describing the signs and symptoms of schizophrenia, a doctor or mental health expert may use the terms listed below.

Positive symptomsare afflictions that are “added” to the individual’s personality.

Delusions— false beliefs: People might think that someone is watching them or that they are a famous person.

HallucinationsThe most frequent experience is hearing fictitious voices that give commands or comments to the person. Other common experiences include seeing, feeling, tasting, smelling, or hearing something that doesn’t actually exist.

Disordered thinking and speechPeople may make up their own words or sounds; they may jump from one topic to another in a nonsensical manner.

Negative symptomssocial withdrawal, extreme apathy, a lack of motivation or initiative, and emotional insensitivity are traits that are “lost” from the person’s personality.


HYOSCYAMUS NIGAR 200Hyoscyamus Niger is a useful treatment for schizophrenia cases where the main symptom is the delusion of persecution and the patient feels like others are plotting against him; other symptoms include suspicion and the patient’s perception that he will be poisoned, thus refusing to take anything offered, even medicine; there is a mistrust that his friends are no longer his friends and he converses with imaginary people. It can be recommended.

LACHESIS 200-Other symptoms such as aversion to mixing with the world and excessive talkativeness also call for its use. The patient imagines that he is under the control of superhuman powers; that his friends are trying to harm him; that his friends are planning to put him in a mental institution. Lachesis is another effective remedy for treating the delusion of persecution, and its use is called for where the symptoms of suspicion and jealousy without any reason are present.

The characteristic features requiring the use of this medication are the superiority complex, where the person feels that everyone around him/her is insignificant and of no value and that only he/she is superior and important. The schizophrenic patients needing this medication are very proud and arrogant in nature. PLATINUM METALLICUM 200-** PLATINUM METALLICUM is an excellent medicine for treating delusion of grandeur.

PHOSPHORUS 200The patients for whom this medicine is typically recommended are those with an exaggerated idea of self-importance, excessive sensitivity to all external impressions, depression, and indifferent behavior toward family and friends, as well as have strange imaginations, such as that something is creeping out of every corner; the symptoms worsen during thunderstorms. -Phosphorus is another excellent medicine for curing the grandiose delusion.

Anacardium Orientale is a great medication that can be used in patients who are experiencing auditory hallucinations. The patient needing this medication typically complains of hearing voices from far away that order him to do things as well as voices of dead people. This medication also works well in case of the symptoms of excessive talkativeness combined with the use of abusive words; suspicion at everything around him; and anxiety.

When disorganized speech is present in schizophrenia, Cannabis Indica 200 is a wonderful homeopathic treatment option.

STRAMONIUM 200-Another treatment for unorganized speech is stramonium, which has as its primary symptoms a tendency to converse with spirits, uncontrollable talking, incomprehensible speech, excessive prayer, and religious mania.

ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE 200An additional effective treatment for this condition is anacardium, which also has the effects of dual personality, extreme anger at the smallest slight, and significant memory loss.

When this condition is brought on by fear or grief, arsenic album can help. It works when there is intense pain and restlessness, sadness and crying at the slightest provocation, fear of death, and a strong desire for cleanliness.

NUX VOMICA 200Nux vomica patients are very irritable, sensitive to all impressions, and malicious. They can’t stand noises, odours, light, etc. They find fault with others, are argumentative, and scold and insult them. There is mania due to sleeplessness, prostration, and excitement.

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