Bunions, also known as hallux valgus, are painful bony growths that appear at the big toe joint on the inside of the foot.

Bunions gradually worsen and may make it painful to wear shoes or walk; the skin over the bunion may become red and sore. Pressure on the big toe joint causes the big toe to lean toward the second toe.

Bunions can develop as a result of an inherited structural defect, stress on the foot, or a medical condition such as arthritis. Women are more likely than men to experience bunion development, worsening, and painful symptoms from wearing tight, narrow shoes, which increases the likelihood of a bunion.


Although the precise cause of bunions is unknown, there are numerous theories that explain how they arise.

· Inherited foot type

· Foot injuries

Congenital (born-with) deformities

It’s debatable among experts whether wearing shoes that are too narrow, high-heeled, or tight in general causes bunions or merely facilitates their growth.

Certain types of arthritis, particularly those that are inflammatory, like rheumatoid arthritis, may be linked to bunions.


A bunion can cause the following symptoms and signs:

The outside of your big toe’s base developing a protruding bump

Inflammation, bruising, or pain near the big toe joint.

The first and second toes’ overlap is where corns or calluses frequently form.

· Persistent or intermittent pain

Your big toe’s ability to move freely may be limited by arthritis.

Risk factors

Your risk of developing bunions may be affected by the following:

High heels.High heels often crowd your toes because they force them into the front of the shoe.

Ill-fitting shoes.Bunions are more likely to develop on people who wear shoes that are too narrow, tight, or pointed.

Rheumatoid arthritis.Your risk of developing bunions may increase if you have this inflammatory condition.

Heredity.A structural foot defect that is inherited may contribute to the propensity to develop bunions.


Possible complications include:

Bursitis.Inflammation of the tiny, fluid-filled bursae (pads) that cushion your bones, tendons, and muscles close to your joints leads to this uncomfortable condition.

Hammertoe.It’s common for the toe next to your big toe to have an abnormal bend in the middle joint that can hurt and put pressure on the toe.

Metatarsalgia.Your foot’s ball will be sore and swollen from this condition.


Some of the most significant homeopathic treatments for bunion are listed below.

BENZOIC ACID 30A key factor in choosing the right remedy for a bunion is the presence of a hot, dark-brown, pungent urine that is similar to horse urine in temperature and smell.

RHODODENDRON 30—Gout and a bunion. Swelling and tearing pain that is worsened by rest. Achilles tendon pain that is aggravated by stepping.

HYPERICUM PERF. 3x—Bruised joints and tingling, burning pain in the bunion.


Shoes with high heels or that are too tight can press your toes together, which is the best way to increase the likelihood of developing bunions.

Check to see if your shoes fit properly and have enough room for your toes to move around.

Avoid wearing footwear with pointy or high heels whenever possible.

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