People with claustrophobia have an extreme, irrational fear of small spaces, especially being trapped in them. They may experience panic attacks if they are trapped in small spaces, and they may actively avoid situations that might trigger their condition.


People typically experience claustrophobia as children or teenagers, though the exact causes are unknown and environmental factors may be a significant factor.

The amygdale, the area of the brain that regulates how we process fear, may be dysfunctional in the case of claustrophobia, which can result from traumatic events like:

Spending a long time confined in a small or crowded area.

· Experiencing turbulence when flying

Having to spend time in a cramped area, such as a bathroom, as a form of punishment

Being forced to use congested public transportation

Being unintentionally left in a small area, such as a closet


When experiencing claustrophobia symptoms, you might feel as though you’re having a panic attack.

· Sweating

· Trembling

· Hot flashes

Experiences of panic or utter dread

· Becoming anxious

· Shortness of breath

· Hyperventilation

· Rapid heart beat

· Chest tightness or pain

· Nausea

· Feeling faint or lightheaded

Both minor and major symptoms may be present.

Claustrophobia can be brought on by a variety of factors, such as:

In a compact space

Travelling by air or in a compact vehicle

Being in an elevator that’s crowded

Having a CT scan or MRI

Being seated in a room that is both large and crowded, such as at a concert or party

· Standing in a closet

· Public restrooms

· Car washes

· Revolving doors

· Store dressing rooms

· Caves or crawl spaces

· Tunnel


Avoid the following if you suffer from claustrophobia:

Steer clear of situations that might trigger your anxiety, like being in a car in rush-hour traffic or traveling by plane, subway, or elevator.

Constantly and automatically scan the area you are entering for exits.

You are in a room and you are afraid the doors will close.

If you’re in a crowded area, stand next to or right by the exits.


In terms of CLAUSTROPHOBIA, there are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy, but the choice depends on the individuality of the patient, taking mental and physical health into consideration. Homoeopathy is currently a rapidly growing system that is practiced all over the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual by promoting inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.

ACONITUM NAPELLUSAcute treatment for panic attacks. Fear of crowds, crossing the street, and small spaces. Great fear, anxiety, and worry. Fear of death and dying, with great anxiety. Forebodings and fears. Fears of death and believes that he will soon die. Agoraphobia. Fears of visiting the dentist and doctor.

ARSENICUM ALBUM :Anguish and restlessness, especially at night, accompanied by a fear of death

ARGENTUM NITRICUM:He experiences giddiness and dizziness at the sight of tall buildings; it feels as though houses on either side of the street are coming toward and will crush him. He also experiences fear of flying in airplanes and of heights.

LYCOPODIUM CLAVATUMMelancholy, fear of being alone in small spaces, anxiety about losing control under pressure, stage fright, fear of speaking in front of an audience, loss of confidence, and irritability are just a few of the symptoms.

NATRUM MURIATICUM:Anxiety and fear, depression, and introversion.

PULSATILLA NIGRICANS:Always craves fresh air; feels claustrophobic in enclosed spaces.

STRAMONIUM: Anxietyfear of injury, dread of darkness, horror of shiny things, inability to stand being alone, and need for light and company when passing through a tunnel.

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