Coccydynia is pain in or around the coccyx, also known as the tailbone, and is a type of back pain that can be described as a constant dull ache or a sharp pain that comes and goes with different activities. Long periods of standing or sitting, the motion of getting up from a chair, sex, and defecation may make the pain worse.

The three small bones that make up the coccyx are loosely fused together and are just above the cleft in the buttocks. It bears weight when someone sits down and has several muscles, tendons, and ligaments attached to it. The coccyx curves forward so that it points towards the front of the body.

Due to its association with childbirth, women are five times more likely than men to develop coccydynia, which is a rare condition estimated to cause 1 in 100 cases of lower back pain.

Coccydynia is more common in older people, but it can happen to anyone, even young children.


Trauma from incidents like childbirth and falls, for example

Excessive and abnormal tailbone mobility

· Ageing

· Poor posture

A very uncommon fracture, tumor, or infection.


Sudden, excruciating pain upon rising from a seated position.

· Pain during bowel movements

· Pain during sex

A severe backache in the tailbone area

Period pain that is worsened in women

If the pain lasts for a long time, depression and anxiety may result.


There are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy for treating coccydynia, but the choice is patient-specific and takes into account the patient’s mental and physical health. Homoeopathy is a rapidly expanding system that is currently used throughout the world.

HYPERICUM PERFORATUM 30—Hypericum perf is advised in cases of bruised pain in the coccyx and coccydynia following a fall or coccyx injury.

CICUTA VIROSA 30—Cicuta virosa is prescribed for coccydynia with tearing and jerking pain in the coccyx, especially during menstruation. The pain is accompanied by spasms and cramping in the muscles.

CAUSTICUM 200—Causticum is a possibility for coccydynia, which is characterized by bruised, fluttering pains around the coccyx and is relieved by wet, damp weather.

ANTIMONIUM TARTARICUM 30When a patient complains of violent sacro-lumbar pain or feels as though a heavy load is constantly dragging down the end of the coccyx, antimonium tart is recommended.

KALI BICHROMICUM 30—Kali bichromicum is prescribed when the patient experiences coccyx pain that is worse when they are bending over or stooping. The pain is also worse when they are walking, sitting, and touching their coccyx.

SILICEA 200—Painful coccyx, feeling of pressure there, pressure and drafts make the pain worse, and the patient is constipated.

XANTHINUM 30When a patient’s coccyx hurts constantly, xanthine is prescribed; the patient must sit on a cushion instead of a hard surface while doing so.

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