Homoeopathy for hair pulling disorder or trichotillomania | HOMOEOPATHY FOR HAIR PULLING DISORDER OR TRICHOTILLOMANIA


Trichotillomania, also known as hair-pulling disorder, is a mental illness marked by persistent, inexplicable urges to remove hair from the scalp, brows, or other parts of the body despite efforts to stop.

People with trichotillomania may go to great lengths to conceal the loss of hair, which can cause significant distress and interfere with social or occupational functioning.

Some treatment options have helped many people reduce their hair pulling or stop completely. Trichotillomania may be mild and generally manageable for some people, while the compulsive urge to pull hair may be overwhelming for others.


Although the exact cause of trichotillomania is unknown, it is likely the result of a genetic and environmental combination, as is the case with many complex disorders.


Trichotillomania frequently exhibits the following symptoms:

Constantly yanking your hair out of its natural places, usually from your scalp, brows, or eyelashes, but occasionally from other body parts, and the locations may change over time.

When you try to stop pulling or before pulling, you feel tension building.

A happy or relieved feeling following hair pulling

Noticable hair loss, including short hair or bald patches on the scalp or other parts of your body, as well as sparse or absent eyelashes or eyebrows

A preference for particular hair types, rituals associated with hair pulling, or hair pulling patterns

Eating pulled-out hair by biting, chewing, or otherwise

Playing with your hair that has been pulled out or rubbing it on your lips or face.

Constantly attempting to stop or reduce the frequency of hair-pulling without success.

Serious anxiety or issues with concentration at work, in class, or in social settings.

Sometimes pulling hair from pets or dolls or from materials, such as clothes or blankets, may be a sign of trichotillomania. Most people with trichotillomania pull hair in private and generally try to hide the disorder from others. People with the condition frequently pick their skin, bite their nails, and chew their lips.

The consequences of hair pulling for trichotillomaniacs include:

·Focused.Some people may develop elaborate rituals for pulling hair, such as finding just the right hair or biting pulled hairs, in order to relieve tension or distress. For instance, some people may intentionally pull their hair out in order to quell an overwhelming urge to do so.

·Automatic.When bored, reading, or watching TV, some people pull their hair without even being aware that they are doing it.

Depending on the circumstance and mood, the same person may pull their hair both focused and automatically. Certain positions or rituals, such as resting your head on your hand or brushing your hair, may cause you to pull your hair.

Emotions may be associated with trichotillomania:

·Negative emotions.Hair pulling is a common trichotillomaniac’s coping mechanism for unpleasant or stressful emotions like stress, anxiety, tension, boredom, loneliness, exhaustion, or frustration.

·Positive feelings.People with trichotillomania frequently report that pulling out their hair feels gratifying and offers some relief, so they keep doing it to maintain these good feelings.

For some people, if not treated, symptoms can come and go for weeks, months, or years at a time; rarely, hair pulling stops within a few years of beginning. Trichotillomania is a long-term (chronic) disorder, and without treatment, symptoms can change in severity over time. For example, the hormonal changes of menstruation can worsen symptoms in women.

Risk factors

Trichotillomania risk is largely influenced by the following factors:

·Family history.Trichotillomania may be inherited, and people who have a close relative with the condition are more likely to develop it themselves.

·Age.Infants can also be prone to hair pulling, but this is usually mild and goes away on its own without treatment. Trichotillomania typically develops just before or during the early teens — most often between the ages of 10 and 13 years — and it’s often a lifelong problem.

·Other disorders.Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), depression, and anxiety are all conditions that can coexist with trichotillomania in some people.

·Stress.Some people may experience trichotillomania as a result of extremely stressful circumstances or events.

Boys and girls appear to be equally affected in early childhood, although far more women than men are treated for trichotillomania, which may be due to women’s higher propensity to seek medical advice.


The following complications could arise from trichotillomania, despite the fact that they may not initially seem to be very serious:

·Emotional distress.Low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, and the use of alcohol or illicit drugs may accompany trichotillomania, which is experienced by many sufferers as a source of shame, humiliation, and embarrassment.

·Problems with social and work functioning.People with trichotillomania may wear wigs, style their hair to cover bald patches, or wear false eyelashes. Some individuals may refrain from intimacy for fear that their condition will be discovered. Embarrassment due to hair loss may cause you to avoid social activities and job opportunities.

·Skin and hair damage.The skin on your scalp or the specific area where hair is pulled can become infected and scarred as a result of frequent hair pulling, which can also have a long-term negative impact on hair growth.

·Hairballs.A large, matted hairball (trichobezoar) may develop in your digestive tract as a result of eating your hair; over time, this hairball can result in weight loss, vomiting, intestinal obstruction, and even death.


When it comes to treating trichotilloma, there are many effective medicines available in homoeopathy, but the choice depends on the individuality of the patient, taking mental and physical health into account. Homoeopathy is currently a rapidly growing system that is used throughout the world. Its strength lies in its evident effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the sick individual by promoting inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical levels.

ARGENTUM NITRICUM 200One of the best treatments for trichotillomania caused by nervous impulses is argentum nitricum. The patient experiences intense anxiety, fear, and persistent impulsive thoughts. He believes he is unable to move past a particular point. Peculiar mental impulses include the urge to jump from a bridge or window, the urge to act quickly, fears of impending danger, and dreads ordeals.

BELLADONNA 200Belladonna is one of the best treatments for trichotillomania with acuteness of all senses. Pull out hair, hair spits, is dry, and comes out. Person is delirious, excited, ferocious, noisy, cries out, talks quickly, and very restless. Person has fear of imaginary things.

CALCAREA CARB 200Calcarea carb is best suited for fair, fatty children with large, hard abdomens who are easily frightened or offended, afraid of everything they see, easily contagious, and prone to profuse sweating, especially on the head and chest while sleeping. In addition, children with this condition have slow teething and sluggish walking speeds, and they have a strong preference for eggs.

CUPRUM METALLICUM 200Confused, afraid of everyone who approaches him. Talkative, then melancholy with fear of death. Sullen, tricky, alternating yielding and head strong. These are all characteristics of Cuprum met people. They are anxious, uneasy, have fixed ideas, are malicious, and are morose. They fear society and shun everyone.

MEDORRHINUM 200—Medorrhinum is recommended for people with trichotilloma who are anxious, hurried, and who feel as though time is passing too slowly. They also feel as though life and everything around them are unreal. They also have anxiety, fear of the dark, melancholy, and suicidal thoughts. They have trouble focusing.

NATRUM MURIATICUM 200The best treatment for trichotillomania with severe migraine headaches is natrum muriaticum. People who take this medication tend to be introverted, depressed, and irritable. Children who take this medication learn to speak slowly. They prefer salt and salty foods.

LILIUM TIGRINUM 200Lilium trigrinum is recommended for trichotillomania with heart or uterine complaints, profound depressive symptoms, a constant propensity to cry, anxiety about some organic and incurable disease, wild, crazy feelings, dissatisfaction with oneself, and envy of others.

TARENTULA HISPANA 200The patient lacks control and is erratic and impulsive; destructive; tears her clothes, among other things; aversion to the colors black, red, yellow, and green; and suddenly changing moods, fancies, or strength. Tarentula is best for trichotillomania with marked destructive impulses.

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