Impetigo is a common skin infection with a high contagiousness rate that primarily affects infants and young children.

CausesThe bacteria that cause impetigo when you come into contact with an infected person’s sores or with items they’ve touched — such as clothing, bed linen, towels, and even toys — are staphylococcus aureus, which causes the condition most frequently. Non-bullous impetigo can also be brought on by group A beta-haemolytic streptococcus, Streptococcus pyogenes.

The most common locations for red sores to appear are around the nose and mouth, but they can also spread to other parts of the body by fingers, clothing, and towels. Itching and soreness are typically mild. **Symptoms-**Classic signs and symptoms of impetigo include red sores that quickly rupture, ooze for a few days, then form a yellowish-brown crust.

Bullous impetigo, a less frequent variation of the condition, can cause larger blisters to develop on an infant or young child’s trunk.

Ecthyma, a more severe form of impetigo, causes painful, pus- or fluid-filled sores that develop into deep ulcers by penetrating deeper into the skin.

Impetigo is more likely to occur as a result of the following risk factors:

Age.Children between the ages of 2 and 5 are most frequently affected by impetigo.

Crowded conditions.In settings like schools and daycare centers, impetigo spreads quickly.

Warm, humid weather.The summer is when impetigo outbreaks are most prevalent.

Certain sports.Your risk of getting impetigo rises if you play sports like football or wrestling that require skin-to-skin contact.

Broken skin.A minor skin wound, an insect bite, or a rash are common entry points for the bacteria that cause impetigo.

Ecthyma is more common in adults, those with diabetes, and those with compromised immune systems.

Impetigo rarely results in serious complications, and the sores that it causes in its milder forms usually heal without leaving scars.

Impetigo complications are sporadic and may involve:

Cellulitis.Untreated cellulitis may eventually spread to your lymph nodes and bloodstream, affecting the tissues beneath your skin and posing a serious infection that could quickly become fatal.

Kidney problems.Your kidneys may suffer kidney damage from one of the bacteria that cause impetigo.

Scarring.Scars may form from the ulcers brought on by ecthyma.


Choosing the right homoeopathic medications can help treat impetigo very effectively. Some of the key treatments are listed below:

The eruptions are papular, dry, rough, scaly, worse from cold and scratching, better from warmth, and there is intense burning, itching, and swelling in the affected area. **ARSENICUM ALBUM 30-** Arsenic alb is effective for impetigo with dry, rough, scaly, dirty, shriveled skin.

HEPAR SULPH 30-Hepar sulph is effective for impetigo with extremely sensitive skin, vesicular eruptions with pricking in some areas, highly sensitive to touch, a tendency to ulcerate, humid scabs and pustules on the head, and swollen cervical glands.

MERCURIUS SOL 30– Mercsol is another potent treatment for impetigo, which is characterized by fetid discharge, yellowish scabs on the face and mouth, destruction of the scalp, and excoriation of the scalp.

MEZEREUM 30Mezereum is prescribed in cases of severe facial inflammation, coryza eruptions around the mouth, thick crusts, scabs with pus underneath, and excoriating ichor from scratched areas.

VIOLA TRICOLOR 30– Viola tricolor is effective for impetigo with excruciating itching, which typically affects children’s hands, knees, and face. Scabs on the face with burning and itching, which are red spots or blisters that discharge pus, and thick scabs that crack and crack exude a tenacious pus.


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