Homeopathy Medicine for Hyperthyroidism


Hyperthyroidism is overactivity of the thyroid gland that leads to high levels of thyroid hormones and speeding up of vital body functions

  • The main factor causing hyperthyroidism is Graves’ disease.
  • People may experience abnormal heart rhythms, elevated heart rate and blood pressure, excessive sweating, nervousness and anxiety, trouble falling asleep, and unintentional weight loss.
  • The diagnosis may be validated by blood tests.

Although it can happen at any age, hyperthyroidism is more prevalent in women during menopause and after childbirth, where it affects about 1% of the population in the United States.

Causes of Hyperthyroidism

Inflammation brought on by toxic substances or radiation exposure, toxic thyroid nodules, Graves’ disease, thyroiditis, toxic thyroid nodules, and overstimulation brought on by an overactive pituitary gland are a few of the causes of hyperthyroidism.

The most frequent cause of hyperthyroidism, Graves’ disease, is an autoimmune disorder that stimulates the thyroid to produce and secrete excessive amounts of thyroid hormones into the blood. This cause of hyperthyroidism is frequently hereditary, especially in women, and almost always results in a diffusely enlarged thyroid.

Thyroiditis is an inflammation of the thyroid gland that can cause hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and finally a return to normal thyroid function in cases such as subacute thyroiditis, silent lymphocytic thyroiditis, and, much less frequently, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Similar to the three main types of thyroiditis, radiation or toxic substance-induced inflammation can also result in hyperthyroidism.

An area of abnormal local tissue growth within the thyroid gland known as a toxic (hyperfunctional) thyroid nodule (adenoma) escapes the mechanisms that normally control the thyroid gland and produces thyroid hormones in large amounts. Toxic multinodular goiter (Plummer’s disease), which has many nodules, is uncommon in adolescents and young adults.

Excess iodine, which may occur in people taking certain expectorants, or iodine-containing contrast agents for x-ray studies may cause hyperthyroidism. Drugs, such as amiodarone, can also cause hyperthyroidism. An overactive pituitary gland can also produce too much TSH, which in turn causes the thyroid to produce too much thyroid hormone, but this is an extremely rare cause of hyperthyroidism.

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism

The majority of those who have hyperthyroidism have a goiter, which is an enlarged thyroid gland that may be tender and painful and may have nodules in some areas of the gland.

Regardless of the underlying cause, hyperthyroidism symptoms include increased heart rate and blood pressure, irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias), excessive sweating, trembling hands, nervousness, and anxiety. Other symptoms include insomnia, weight loss despite increased appetite, increased activity level despite fatigue and weakness, and frequent bowel movements, occasionally accompanied by diarrhea.


Blood tests are used to confirm the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism, which is typically suspected based on the patient’s symptoms. Blood tests frequently start with the measurement of TSH, which is low in cases of overactive thyroid glands and normal or high in cases of overactive pituitary glands.

If a toxic thyroid nodule is suspected as the cause, a thyroid scan will reveal whether the nodule is overactive, that is, whether it is producing excess hormones. Such a scan may also aid doctors in their assessment of Graves’ disease: In a person with Graves’ disease, the scan reveals the entire gland to be overactive, not just one area, whereas in thyroiditis, the scan reveals low activity.

Prognosis and Treatment

If hyperthyroidism is not treated, it puts undue strain on the heart and many other organs. The method of treatment for hyperthyroidism depends on the cause. In most cases, the issue that is causing hyperthyroidism can be cured, or the symptoms can be eliminated or greatly reduced.

Homeopathic Treatment of Hyperthyroidism

In mild and early stages of hyperthyroidism, as well as in severe cases where the thyroid gland’s overactivity has negatively affected other vital organs, homeopathy is a wonderful treatment option.

Lodium: For Hyperthyroidism with quick weight loss

One of the best natural treatments for hyperthyroidism is lodium, which is typically prescribed for people with the condition when they lose weight quickly despite having a good appetite, need to eat frequently, feel better after eating, experience excessive body heat, desire to be in a cool environment, and have intense present-focused anxiety rather than future-focused anxiety.

Natrum Muriaticum: For Hyperthyroidism with Irritability

Natrum Muriaticum is a natural remedy for hyperthyroidism used primarily for patients who are easily irritated and upset over trivial matters, who remain depressed with weeping when alone, and whose condition always worsens when someone tries to console them. They also experience severe headaches when exposed to the sun. Finally, they have an unusual craving for salt in excess that is always present in them.

Lachesis Mutus: For Hyperthyroidism with extreme heat

For the prescription of this natural medicine, the mental symptoms that are typically taken into account are sadness with an aversion to doing any kind of work, the person does not wish to mix up and wants to go somewhere alone. Lachesis Mutus is of great assistance to patients of Hyperthyroidism who experience the sensation of the body feeling extremely hot. Such patients cannot wear tight clothes and always keep their collars around the neck and the belt around the waist loose.

Phosphorus: For Hyperthyroidism with extreme Sensitivity, Hairfall

Another top natural remedy for treating hyperthyroidism is phosphorus, which is very beneficial for tall, thin patients who are extremely sensitive to touch, odor, and light. Phosphorus can also be used to treat chronic diarrhea in hyperthyroidism patients who complain of very profuse and offensive stool with extreme weakness. Such patients also experience increased appetite and feel hungry right away after eating.

Conium Maculatum: For Hyperthyroidism with depression

Conium Maculatum works well for patients who experience trembling in hands along with perspiration on hands. This medicine also works well for patients who experience memory weakness.

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