Ldd Digerite Syrup 115ml


In addition to reducing rolling and hysterical flatulence, LDD Digerite syrup also lessens stomach dystention, violent gastralgia, and burning in the stomach and diaphragm area.


  • Piper nig. 2x: Gastric discomfort, a feeling of being overly full, intense thirst, colic, and cramps are just a few of the symptoms people can experience.
  • Nux vom. 3x: Constricted stomach, jitteriness, and nicotin-related disturbances.
  • Thymus serp. 5x: Ringing in the ears and pressure in the head are common symptoms, along with burning and soreness in the pharynx and throat and worse swallowing when the stomach is empty.
  • Asafoetida 3x: He vomits everything he eats, experiences weakness, gastric and intestinal catarrh, severe, agonizing stomach pains, and ulceration.
  • Hydrastis can. 3x: Loss of appetite, control of intestinal function, protection from chronic catarrhs of all middle organs, relief of pain and constipation, and good styptic properties.
  • Lycopodium 2x: Pain shooting across lower abdomen from right to left due to dyspepsia brought on by farinaceous and fermentable food, such as cabbage, beans, etc.
  • Coriandrum sat. 5x is extremely effective in treating diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, and other digestive problems by improving the digestive tract’s ability to digest food properly.
  • Carbo veg. 5x: Simplest food disagrees, upper abdominal flatulence, eructations after eating and drinking, and flatulence and fullness with weak digestion accompany all complaints.

Useful hints:

  • Adults should take one teaspoonful after each meal, while children should only take half that amount.
BrandLDD Bioscience
Shelf Life5 Years
Country of OriginIndia
Form FactorSyrup
Price₹ 120

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