Homeopathy Medicine for Metrorrhagia


An elderly lady gives a history of irregular haemorrhage from the uterus, irrespective of the menstrual period. The condition is METRORRHAGIA.

See also: Menometrorrhagia; Menorrhagia. Metrorrhagia is uterine bleeding that occurs at irregular intervals, especially between expected menstrual cycles. Metrorrhagia may be a sign of an underlying disorder like hormone imbalance, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or, less frequently, uterine cancer.


The average length of a menstrual cycle is approximately 5 days, and most women will lose less than 80 ml, or 3 ounces, of blood overall. The average woman menstruates every 28 days, though having a period every 21-35 days is considered normal.

The majority of medical professionals concur that abnormal bleeding is any excessive or severe bleeding that affects your physical, social, or emotional well-being. Here are some signs that you may be experiencing menometrorrhagia and that your bleeding is abnormal:

  • soaking tampons or pads through every hour for a few hours.
  • bleeding that continues beyond eight days
  • bleeding not normally associated with a menstrual cycle
  • passing large blood clots
  • experiencing abdominal and back pain while menstruating
  • having symptoms of anemia such as fatigue, weakness, or shortness of breath that could be caused by excessive bleeding


Menometrorrhagia may be brought on by any of the following factors, though its causes are not fully understood:

A hormonal imbalance :The uterine lining can thicken more than it should under conditions of excess estrogen, which can increase blood loss and clotting when the thicker lining starts to shed.

Numerous factors, such as stress and obesity, can contribute to an estrogen imbalance.

Uterine growths :Due to the pressure they exert on the uterus and the blood vessels they contain, benign tumors, or noncancerous tumors, such as uterine polyps and fibroids, can result in excessive bleeding.

Adenomyosis:The cause of adenomyosis is unknown, but it’s frequently observed in women who have reached menopause. Adenomyosis is a condition where the uterine lining expands into the muscular wall of the uterus. It functions as the normal uterine lining does, growing and shedding each month, but it can produce heavy bleeding.

Endometriosis :When the uterine lining sheds, there may be significant bleeding because endometriosis is characterized by the growth of the uterine lining outside of the uterus, typically in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and pelvis.

Lack of ovulation :If you don’t ovulate or experience an anovulatory cycle, your uterine lining may continue to grow until it is compelled to shed. Ovulation is the release of an egg from the ovary.

Blood clotting disorders :An extended period of bleeding results from improper blood coagulation.


Many medications can treat uterine bleeding, but constitutional remedies with a noticeable impact on uterine physiology are among the most significant.

Calcarea carbonicais a deep, antipsoric, constitutional remedy recommended for scrofulous patients who are prone to colds and have a leucophillic temperament. The symptoms are brought on by working long hours in the water, and the menstrual cycle is too early, too profuse, and too long, with dysmenorrhea occasionally accompanying it.

China officinalisis best for people with thin, dry, bilious constitutions; leucophlegmatic people. Menstruation occurs too early, is dark and bloody, and is profuse and clotted with abdominal distension.

Crocus sativusCrocus sativus has three characteristics: bleeding from any orifice, blood that is black and stringy, clotting, and forming long strings hanging from the bleeding orifice; and worsening with even the slightest movement.

Hamamelis virginianaA venous constitution affects a woman’s menstrual flow, which is dark and profuse and accompanied by abdominal pain. Intermenstrual pains, ovarian congestion, and neuralgia are also common.

Lachesis mutusis recommended for women who are close to menopause and are experiencing symptoms like palpitations, hot flushes, and hemorrhage.

Millefoliumsuits older, atonic, anemic women. It helps with prolonged bleeding after a hard labor. Menstruation is suppressed with epileptic attacks. Menses are early, profuse, protracted. Haemorrhages are bright red and fluid.


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