Homeopathy Medicine for Mitral Regurgitation


A patient complains of fatigue and lethargy, a sense of palpitation, dyspnoea orthopnoea. On examination, there is artial fibrillation, displaced systolic thrill, soft with pansystolic murmur. The condition is MITRAL REGURGITATION.


Depending on the severity and how quickly the condition develops, signs and symptoms of mitral valve regurgitation can include the following:

  • Through a stethoscope, an abnormal heartbeat is audible as a “heart murmur.”
  • Dyspnea, particularly after being physically active or when lying down
  • Fatigue
  • Feelings of a fluttering, rapid heartbeat are known as heart palpitations.
  • Swollen feet or ankles

You may not even be aware that you have mitral valve regurgitation because it frequently manifests as a mild condition that worsens gradually over time.

Occasionally, however, the issue develops quickly, and you may experience a sudden onset of severe signs and symptoms, your doctor may initially suspect you have mitral valve regurgitation upon detecting a heart murmur.


The mitral valve, tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve, and aortic valve are the four valves in the heart that control blood flow in the right direction. Each valve has flaps (leaflets or cusps) that open and close once with each heartbeat, but occasionally the valves don’t function properly, causing blood flow through your heart to your body to become obstructed.

The valve separating the left ventricle from the left atrium, which is the upper left chamber of the heart, does not close completely in mitral valve regurgitation, allowing blood to regurgitate back into the left atrium.

Mitral valve regurgitation causes

Primary mitral valve regurgitation is a condition where there are issues with the mitral valve; secondary or functional regurgitation is a condition where there are issues with the left ventricle.

Mitral valve regurgitation may have several causes, including:

  • Mitral valve prolapse.This common heart defect can prevent the mitral valve from closing tightly and result in regurgitation. It is characterized by the leaflets of the mitral valve bulging back into the left atrium during the heart’s contraction.
  • Damaged tissue cords.Particularly in people with mitral valve prolapse, the tissue cords that hold the mitral valve flaps to the heart wall may stretch or tear over time. A tear can cause sudden leakage through the mitral valve and may necessitate repair by heart surgery. Trauma to the chest can also rupture the cords.
  • Rheumatic fever.Rheumatic fever is now uncommon in the United States, but it’s still common in developing nations. Rheumatic fever is a complication of untreated strep throat and can harm the mitral valve, resulting in mitral valve regurgitation early or later in life.
  • Endocarditis.A condition known as endocarditis, which can affect heart valves, may harm the mitral valve.
  • Heart attack.If the damage is severe enough, a heart attack can result in sudden and severe mitral valve regurgitation. Heart attacks can damage the area of the heart muscle that supports the mitral valve, affecting the function of the valve.
  • Abnormality of the heart muscle (cardiomyopathy).The tissue surrounding your mitral valve may be stretched as a result of certain conditions, such as high blood pressure, that over time make your heart work harder and cause your heart’s left ventricle to enlarge, which may eventually cause leakage.
  • Trauma.Mitral valve regurgitation may develop as a result of trauma, like that sustained in a car accident.
  • Congenital heart defects.Heart defects, such as faulty heart valves, can occur in some newborns.
  • Certain drugs.Medications containing ergotamine (Cafergot, Migergot), which are used to treat migraines and other conditions, can result in mitral valve regurgitation when taken for an extended period of time.
  • Radiation therapy.Mitral valve regurgitation can occasionally result from radiation therapy used to treat cancer in the chest.
  • Atrial fibrillation.Mitral valve regurgitation may be brought on by the common heart rhythm issue known as atrial fibrillation.

Risk factors

Your risk of developing mitral valve regurgitation may be affected by a number of factors, such as:

  • A history of mitral valve prolapse or mitral valve stenosis.A family history of valve disease can also raise risk, but neither condition by itself ensures that you won’t develop mitral valve regurgitation.
  • A heart attack.Your mitral valve may become dysfunctional as a result of heart damage.
  • Heart disease.Mitral valve regurgitation is a potential consequence of some types of heart disease, including coronary artery disease.
  • Use of certain medications.Similar problems were noted with the appetite suppressants fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine, which are no longer marketed, and there is an increased risk of mitral regurgitation in people who take ergotamine-containing drugs (Cafergot, Migergot) and similar migraine medications or who take cabergoline.
  • Infections such as endocarditis or rheumatic fever.The mitral valve may be harmed by infections or the swelling they bring on.
  • Congenital heart disease.Atypical mitral valves that are prone to regurgitation are present at birth in some people.
  • Age.By middle age, the mitral valve has naturally deteriorated in many people, which results in some regurgitation.


Mitral valve regurgitation typically doesn’t cause any issues when it’s mild, but when it’s severe, it can result in a number of issues, such as:

  • Heart failure.Severe mitral valve regurgitation puts additional strain on the heart because there is less blood moving forward with each beat when blood is pumping backward, leading to the left ventricle growing larger and weakening if left untreated. Heart failure is the result when the heart cannot pump enough blood to meet the needs of the body.

    Additionally, your lungs experience pressure buildup that causes fluid to collect and puts strain on the right side of your heart.

  • Atrial fibrillation.Atrial fibrillation, in which the upper chambers of the heart beat rapidly and chaotically, may be caused by the stretching and enlargement of the left atrium in the heart. Atrial fibrillation can result in blood clots that can escape from the heart and travel to other parts of the body, where they may block blood vessels and result in serious issues such as a stroke if they do.

  • Pulmonary hypertension.A leaky mitral valve can raise pressure in the left atrium, which can eventually cause pulmonary hypertension, which can result in heart failure on the right side of the heart if it is left untreated for a prolonged period of time or is not properly treated. Patients with long-term untreated or improperly treated mitral regurgitation may develop a form of high blood pressure that affects the vessels in the lungs (pulmonary hypertension).


Crataegus oxyacanthaIt is helpful in chronic heart disease with extreme weakness and opposition, extreme dyspnea on the slightest exertion, incompetent valves with valvular murmurs, accelerated, irregular, feeble and intermittent pulse, and frequently there is cardiac dilatation. It acts on the heart muscles and is and is an excellent heart tonic.

Medorrhinumis typically used as an intercurrent treatment for chronic valve inflammation following rheumatic fever. It is a chronic sycotic and hydrogenoid drug.

The treatment can help the patient when prescribed on the basis of the present signs and symptoms, but when compensation fails, treatment cannot do much to relieve that patient, necessitating surgical intervention. Valvular disease of the heart is congenital in nature to produced after an attack of rheumatism.

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